I Know

This is the Entrance Hall to some stuff about people I know and love - my family, my partners, my friends and colleagues. Click here to return to the WebLife Homepage.

Me and My Family


Well, let's get me out of the way with for a start. Click here for my gallery of photographs.


We're not much of a clan.

Immediately there's my parents.

Then there's Linda who married Ian in 1997 thus acquiring a daughter, Helen, from Ian's first marriage. Both are great additions to the Guy extended family. And then, on 28 February 1999, Mary was born making it a foursome. Mary deserves her own page.


I'm also including a couple of photos of my son, Robert, here. Neither of them are particularly up to date. Here is Robert in early summer 1997 when he was 16 going on 21. This rare photograph was taken at Christmas 1999 and includes the three male generations of the Guy/Clark line. Here he is with his mum Gill in August 2000, just before he took up his studies at the Laban Centre.

He attended a Private View for Ross's first gallery show with his girlfriend of the time, Rachel. Since I left London in 2000, we've met up a couple of times as here on the Millennium Bridge.

In the summer of 2003, he graduated from the Laban Centre and went on to do a year's postgraduate study at the Place with their postgraduate company Edge. Here are some photographs.

As of the end of 2004, Robert moved to Berlin to work with a German dance company and to live with his partner, Vivien. That all came to an end during the early past of 2005 after which Robert spent some time moving backwards and forwards across Europe working for a variety of dance companies. In the autumn of 2005, he spent some time in Lausanne in Switzerland. A lot of his work was with the company, Troika Ranch.

Throughout the latter part of the 2000s, Robert career progressed taking him all over Europe and the UK. He complained of not having time to settle in a home of his own; his friends told him to stop complaining because he was, at least, working and living the dream.

In the summer of 2007, he took part in a series of performances of Dido and Æneas with Opera North. There he met Anna and entered into another long term relationship.


And finally, my good friend Gill, who is Robert's mum. I have known Gill now since 1978 and she has been more than a friend for most of that time. This photograph was taken at my and Richard's affirmation ceremony. This one is from the summer of 1997 and this is a more recent one from the summer of 2000 with son, Robert, engaged in filial affection.


Although I've only met him four times in my entire life, I feel very close to my cousin, Trevor, who lives in Canada.

This first photo was taken in May 1983 when I visited Canada and stayed with my family in Edmonton, Alberta. When I got back and was showing my holiday snaps around in Scarlett's (one of my gay haunts in Liverpool at that time), this particular photo was ripped from my hands and passed round a number of friends and acquaintances. They all wanted to meet Trevor. *Smiles*

I visited Trevor and his partner Florie in April 1996 at their home in Victoria on Vancouver Island. As you can see, 13 years on, Trev is still a babe. Spring 1999 brought a return visit and he's still looking good - we both are!. Trev's still cut up over the loss of his dad, my uncle Les. It's astonishing to think that two such people as Trev and I share the same grandfather.

Family Tree

Finally, here's a quick Family Tree of the male line of the Guys so you can see how it fits together.




I had my first proper committed relationship with Norman. I only have this one photograph of him, on the left, dressed in black supervising a performance by his school Gamelan orchestra.


Brian was someone who I loved and treated badly. These photographs were taken on our holiday together in Cornwall. They don't do him justice. He was a very beautiful man.


Nigel is the missing link here. I cannot find any photographs of him at all.


Richard and I had three years together in a pretty turbulent relationship. These photographs are of some of our more happy times together. The first is a shot of Richard and I at Glyndebourne together looking very smart. Then there's this one and this one which were both taken at our Affirmation Ceremony. You can learn a lot more about all this elsewhere.


The reaction to this photograph of Keith has generally been one of saying "God, he's gorgeous, isn't he?" Well, yes, I knew that although I have to say that the photograph is slightly flattering. And the mark next to his mouth is not a blemish on the film, as he tells everyone. He was eating chocolate shortly before the snap was taken. The reason for the sultry look is that we were at Gatwick Airport on our way on holiday to Berlin. By 2007, he had become a curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum.


David was my partner for less than a year but during his illness and death we grew and learnt from each other. In the early days of our relationship, David and I went on a trip to Cambridge with Rod and Dale. It was one of our happiest days together, as this shot of us in the gardens of Clare College shows. The last photo that I have of David was taken shortly before Christmas 1994. We went for a walk to the gravel pits nearby where I live. It was a cold day and the lakes were frozen over. Not long after this, David was rushed into hospital and was diagnosed as having a lymphoma on his brain. It was the beginning of his four month long journey to death.


Fred and I met though the UK.GLB Bulletin Board. In 1996, when I met him he was 25 and a dreamboat. He still is Singaporean. It's strange to call someone a partner when we were only together for less than a month but we shared so much during that time. He's a wonderful man and I'm the better for having known him. In the short time we were together, he gave me back joy, life and self-respect. I'll be eternally grateful to him. I even managed to capture him in one of the best photographs I've ever taken.


Ross and I met on the Friday night before Pride in 1996. By the end of July, he had moved in to live with me and we lived together for over eighteen months. *Smiles* It was among the best of times for me. However, latterly he became ill with an ME like condition and, after a long period of struggle, he went back to live with his parents. In late April 1998, I told Ross that I wanted us to finish being partners. However, I felt somewhere in the depths of my being that our story was not yet over but what that story would be I could not tell. At very least, I hoped that the love could develop towards friendship as it did with Keith. In Autumn 1998, Ross moved back to London and into his own flat so that he could complete his degree. Our relationship continued to develop and strengthen, both together and independently. He completed his degree and, after a period of some deliberation, he joined me in my new home on Merseyside. Ross's Web site will tell you more about what he gets up to. Meantime, you can tell how artistic and how beautiful he is from the following images and this one and this one.




Colin has been a friend for a very long time and, as this photograph shows, he is generally a very jolly person. A decade later, he is still jolly, though, as he says himself, greyer.


Roland has been a friend for a long time too. This photograph was taken on during a trip he made to London during 1996, this one was taken in his flat during autumn 2000 and this one was taken at the departure of the Tall Ships from Liverpool in 2008.


Chris is my friend from Köln. This photograph was taken during a visit he paid to attend my 35th birthday party in Liverpool. He had driven overnight from Köln to be there. This is a photograph taken during my visit to San Francisco during 1996 where Chris was working at the time. I visited him in Köln in April 1997 where we went to a café together and spent time with Thomas. In 1999, I visited Chris in San Francisco and we went to another café. This time Chris was with his partner, Stephen.


I met Phil in 1993 on a residential training course for which I was one of the tutors. It was his birthday, we got pissed together but nothing happened. Pshaw. You can contact him via e-mail at work and, if you want to check him out first, here's a photie. Hmmm. Nice green shirt. Grin And, even after ten years of friendship, he still looks good. However, the photograph on his blog is a bit scary - think star child out of 2001. 2008 and Facebook brought some much more interesting photographs, which are fun. This is my favourite. One of Phil's main areas of academic interest in EuroVision. This means that he gets to go to an interesting place in Europe once a year and spend time in a conference hall.

James I

I first met James in the summer of 1994 when he worked at UCL shortly before he went up to Magdalen College, Oxford from whence he graduated in the summer of 1997. For a couple of years, he had an off/on sort of an affair with James II which I observed and other people photographed. Then he escaped academia into the wide, wide world and carved an illustrious succession of jobs, having worked for Virgin Net, EasyNet, Boo and Bright Station.

I have two photographs of James from the first years that I knew him. The photograph of James as a baby seems to make even the most hard-nosed of cynics go "Aaaahhhh". The other photograph of James at work shows him wearing THOSE SHORTS. Now, if Liz Hurley can be said to have worn THAT DRESS, then James can certainly be accused of wearing THOSE SHORTS during the hot summer of 1995. By April 2001, he was still looking pretty good if a little woolly. He got his MA from Oxford in 2004 and his then partner, Paul, attended. 2007 and still looking fine along with dog, Velcro.


Rod and Dale began as virtual chums before becoming actual friends. These photographs were taken during the two holidays I've spent with them. This first was taken on Late Summer Bank Holiday Monday 1994 in a pub outside Cambridge during Rod and Dale's visit to see me after our time together at the Edinburgh Festival. This second photo of Rod and Dale was taken during my holiday on the West Coast of America in April 1996. We were staying at a luxury condo in Newport, Oregon at the time. In 1999, I visited them again in Seattle and, in 2004, Ross and I spent a weekend with them in Edinburgh.


I met Lowestoft Colin over the Internet in the early part of 1996 and after a frenzied exchange of e-mails we eventually met up just before I was due to go on holiday to the States. For a long time I had no photies of him. However, in a fit of rashness, he sent me this photo of him on holiday in early 1999. He also sent me this other photo of his friend Ed. And he thought I wouldn't publish. Hah!! As of 2007, he has a Facebook account which publishes this photo.


I met Cambridge Chris on King's Cross Station forecourt the morning of Pride 96. He joined Fred and Dave and Ross and I for the day and has been a friend ever since. This photie shows him being very studious. Whilst this one is in a more relaxed vein. Apart from being a very nice person, Chris has one of the best bums in Christendom. He now works for Envisional Software Solutions and the work force looks like a boy band. That's Chris, second from the right, BTW.


This next Chris I got to know through work. From the the summer of 1999, we became quite good chums at work at UCL and started meeting socially. I rather liked Chris's partner at the time, Gavin, as well. During early 2000, Ross and Chris collaborated on an art project for Ross's degree show and Chris was the model for some of the work. Perhaps having a great ass runs with the name. You can find out more about Chris by visiting his web site. 2001 found Chris beginning a new phase of his life in a new flat with a new boyf, James.




Writing about Andy prompted quite a few memories, so I placed them in a separate page.


Ian was one of Richard's squeezes but, as these photos show, he was very versatile.

In the first he is wearing a full body harness and various accoutrements. This was the night of Richard's 38th birthday. The three of us had had a meal together. As agreed and unbeknownst to Richard, Ian arrived late in his leatherboy outfit wearing a ribbon round his wrist. He was one of my presents to Richard. I was supposed to leave them alone for the night. They suggested I stayed.

In the second photo, Ian is looking far more stylish. This was the night of Richard's and my affirmations. He is standing next to another friend who is also called Richard.

James II

I first met James on 2 January 1996 over a meal in Ballans. You can find out more about him in his homepages. Photographic evidence of James was initially a little difficult to come by but I've got an OK shot now. We stopped seeing anything of each other sometime towards the end of 1997.


From July 1996 onwards, Sean was a good chum for a couple of years. You can visit his web site to find out more about him. In the meantime, here's a photie, which gives an idea of his warmth and mischief. By 2000, he was apparently married and living on the West coast of America.


Darren was another complete sweetie as this photo shows. I met him briefly in the summer of 1996 when I was working on A Time and a Place. He worked for the Stage Management crew, which explains why he can be seen there brandishing his impressive chopper. Grin Darren also gives the lie to old adage of 2QT2BST8. However, we won't hold that against him.


Michael was another of the people I met in the summer of 1996. We kept meeting up and having drinks and talking about opera and life and love. I have to say that he was really rather good fun and then we drifted.


Here's a link through to some photographs of people I work with at Connect in Liverpool. The first set covers the period from 2000-2004 when we were based at Liverpool University. The second set covers the period after the move in February 2005 to Liverpool Digital.


Here's an image of Brad and Tom - sigh. BUT wot no Keanu?

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