Signing Off


This is probably my last posting to this journal before I head off to see Rod and Dale. Gradually things seem to be falling into place. Like I've been doing some strategic ironing and packing - yup packing, I've put out some of the tee shirts I'm going to be taking. Hardly major league but you've got to start somewhere.

I know that the technology exists for me to keep this record up to date whilst I'm away but I'm not sure that I should even try. After all, I keep telling people how this is my first true holiday in over three years. Maybe I should treat it as such and have a complete break from the perfidious microchip.

What else cam I say about what is happening at the moment? Well the daffodils are finally out in the front garden quietly synchronising with the crocuses to take over as they die off. I certainly won't see them in their glory but it's be nice to think that Keith (and hopefully Philippe) can have the pleasure of them.

On the acupuncture front, one thing I'd forgotten to mention about the effects of the first treatment was that I kept waking up in the morning with a very dry mouth. I mentioned this to Meena and she obviously took it into account because I'm waking up at the moment positively drooling. My eyes have been watering a lot as well which takes me back to my teenage ears when this happened a lot. Don't know when the watery eyes dried up but maybe this is another sign of long blocked energy channels being released.

I seem to mad busy clearing the decks. I've been working twelve hour days and the final two days at work are going to be insane. I keep telling myself that I'm going to keep clear of the place over the weekend but, in my heart of hearts, I know that that's a forlorn hope. I just don't want it to be like one time back in the mid-80s, when I was freelance, and ended up ringing my PA from the airport to check on stuff while they were making the last calls for my flight over the tanoy.

However, although I'm stressed out and frantic, nothing seems to be happening. I guess that it's all gearing up for the holiday.

Actually, that's disingenuous. I'm like a cat on hot bricks. Saturday is looming large in my thoughts. Half of me is desperately anxious to meet Colin, wants to meet him, find out what he's actually like. And the other half of me is saying "Whoa, you're going to blow it. You're fraught. These aren't the right circumstances."

So, what am I going to do?

Hell, I'm going through with it. My life wouldn't be my life if it weren't full of these sorts of crises. And, what the heck, I need some sort of emotional trauma to get anxious about before I go off on holiday.