People at Work

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Me at work

I've decided to include some photographs of the people I work with. To start with, here is a photo of me.

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Steph Robin Neil
Steph (seen here in her international woman of mystery pose) can be quite scatty at times but scores highly on the loveable stakes. Robin is the problematic member of the group. I'm sure that (mostly) she is very well meaning. She just has the knack of putting everyone's back up. And she manipulates shamelessly in order to get her own way. She left in summer 2002 just before the conversion to a commercial company. Rob joined us on work placement but very quickly developed into a valuable member of the team working particularly on e-learning materials.

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Ian Joe Alan
Ian is the team leader and very knowledgeable about film. His frustrations about managing and Management remind me that I'm better off out of it. I like having a life outside of work. Joe started about the same time as me. He's studying the Felsenkreis method of massage and therapy. Which proves that he has a life outside of work also. His training background is invaluable in supporting and initiating changes. He left in summer 2002 with a positive agenda to pursue new challenges in Spain and Italy. He brought his plans forward to coincide with the conversion to a commercial company. Alan is something of a silent partner within the team. Very able and knowledgeable but, with half an eye on retirement, his aim is to get through the working day without too much hassle.

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Dave Robin Chris
Dave is one of our NT programmers. He used to be a Goth. He has a peachy bum which he seems to be careful not to flaunt. Most of the Goths I used to know were fervently bisexual. I have mentioned this to him with little effect. He left in the summer of 2002 around the time of the conversion to a commercial company. Robin is on the design team. I've worked with him on a couple of small projects. He is a very nice chap and quite lust-worthy. Chris is a marketing chap. He seems to do a good line in photogenic poses also. We lunch frequently. I think he likes the way my marketing background means that I don't suggest ludicrous things. We've worked on some large projects together and got a good working relationship. He left in the summer of 2002 around the time of the conversion to a commercial company.

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Carl Ian Andy
Neil is one of the design team and is a gentle giant with a fluid accent that seems to move between Ireland, France and the South East. He left us shortly after commercialisation to take up a place on a postgraduate course. Ian is one of a pair of identical twins who work for us within the design teams. Neil left us to work elsewhere. But they were the most astonishing double act I've ever seen. Andy is another designer, favors illustration, has a flat on Rodney Street, is not as hard as he looks in this photograph and has a nicely turned bum.

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Neil Paul Tom
Neil is one of our work experience people and is most pleasing on the eye. However, as there was no permanent place for him, he got himself a job and left. Paul Fitz is another enjoyable eye feast for lustful folk. He works on the networks and ops side of things. Tom is another of our cute designers. Strictly a straight bat, however.

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