Brief Encounter


The crossing over Puget Sound to Vancouver Island was smooth and easy. Trevor and Florie met me at the ferry terminal and there was much hugging. I've not seen Trevor for 13 years now and there was always a nagging fear in the back of my mind that time might have changed us both so much that even blood ties wouldn't have forced a meeting of minds. I needn't have worried. We got on like a house on fire.

The most stunning event of my time in Victoria was a whale watching trip we went on. We didn't get to see any orca but the day was fantastically bright and calm and we did get to see seals and eagles nesting and other shit. But it was just koool being out on the water bouncing along on a power driven inflatable craft.

Most of the time, however, was spent being together and catching up on personal histories. I don't want to go into too much detail here as most of the material that I had to tell Trevor is represented elsewhere in the WebLife and Trevor's history is his and not mine to offer for public consumption. Suffice it to say that there were tears on both sides at various points and much hugging and comforting. And, in its way, it was quite excellent.

One of the wierdest things, given how little time we've spent in each others company, was how similar we are in certain respects. "It must be in the genes" became one of our stock responses to each other. It started the moment I walked into their bathroom and there were three plastic ducks identical to the ones I possess. Attitudes, life history, even faddish habits, there was some of all of these common to the both of us.

Another thing that I should mention about Trevor is that he has matured into an exceptionally handsome and very koool dude - right in the pocket as far as I'm concerned. He is also completely heterosexual and has been with his chosen life partner, Florie, for 7 years now. In fact, he's so totally at home with his own sexuality that he's completely comfortable around gays, is at ease in gay clubs, deals with the inevitable advances politely but firmly and has a number of gay friends.

He's never even had a walk on the wild side. Believe me, I asked. And yes, the question was loaded. Well, you know, the idea of homosexual incest has its appeal and it would knock one point off my Purity score. *Smiles*

So, departure was a wrench. It was like leaving a soul partner behind. And we neither of us are swamped by family. The journey home to Seattle was a dreary one that not even a spectacular sunset could enliven.

And it's nearly time to return to the UK.
