Gallery Opening
22 April

Never, of course, count your chickens - whether or not they are going cheep or quack like ducks.

To cut a medium sized story into a bite-sized chunk...

Ross and I got to Brixton Art Gallery on the Friday afternoon. There should have been four people showing their work with Ross. He'd been given space to exhibit four of his prints. However, Delmay (the owner), told us that two of the other exhibitors had dropped out. We thought OK. Then the fourth arrived and threw a strop and withdrew his work. So Ross asked if he could have a one person show. And that's what he's got.

In the event, it sounds a lot grander than it was. We don't think that the gallery did lot in terms of promotion. But, in a couple of year's time, all that will be on Ross's CV will be a solo show within a year of graduating. *Smiles*

We had lots of problems with chipped glass frames, scratched lacquer, doing a proper CV at 11pm on the Friday night. And I ended up with a lovely blood blister on my left thumb where I walloped it with a hammer. We gave up going to Covent Garden to see Otello - now there's true love for you. But it was worth it.

And it was good seeing a variety of chums who made the effort to cross London at a moment's notice to support my lovely Rossi.

Robert and Rachel Here's Robert with his lady friend, Rachel. Robert had never seen Ross's work before and rather liked it. I'm glad that the two of them seem to get on reasonably well. After all, they are less that five years apart in age. Rachel seems to have gotten into the spirit of things with a big, beaming smile. Robert looks as though he's been caught totally unawares.


Here's Chris and his man, James. Once again it's the partner who looks slightly more self-assured. I think I've actually managed quite a trick with Chris - taking a photograph of an extremely attractive man that makes him look relatively plain. Chris and James


James James also turned up looking quite shaggy (that's unkempt if you see what I mean) and fresh from a trip to North America where he seems to have encountered a carnivorous freshman.
So, it all went as well as we could make it go and we were tired little bunnies when we bundled into bed and finished off listening to The Lord of the Rings in the darkness.