My Family

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Grace and Albert
Here's my mum and dad, Grace and Albert, looking quite at ease with the world on holiday in Scotland.

Grace and Albert and Linda
In this second photo, they are joined by my sister, Linda. I think that it was taken when they visited Linda while she was working in America in the late 80s.

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Family Photo

This is a very rare grouping as it was taken on the evening in 1990 that Richard and I affirmed the constancy of our relationship. I'm pictured there with Richard, Richard's mum, my parents and Robert.

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Grace and Albert and Linda
Here's a photo of a family gathering for my dad's 75th birthday in May 1999. The cast goes from the left Linda, Mary, Gill, Grace, Albert, Robert, Helen and me. The missing person taking the photograph is Linda's husband, Ian.

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Grace and Albert
This photograph was taken on the same trip in 1999. I like it because they are both caught spontaneously at their ease.

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Grace and Albert
Later that summer, they came to stay at my house in Walthamstow and this photograph captures the three of us in my back garden.

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Grace and Albert and me
In the summer of 2000, I moved back to Merseyside and this photograph was taken shortly afterwards.

Albert and me and Ross
This photograph was taken during the same visit. It was the first time that Ross had been to my parents' house.

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Albert and Grace at Xmas 2000
Christmas 2000 and Albert and Grace raise a toast to health and happiness to us all.

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Albert and Grace
Here are Albert and Grace in serious mood, playing cards at Christmas 2000.

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Albert and Grace
Three generations at Crosby in March 2001. I look like a wicked fairy godfather with that beard.

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Christmas 2002 which Ross and I hosted in Crosby. The front room had just been decorated and dad had just completed treatment for a small cancer on his throat. It was a very happy time streaked with the possibility of sadness to come.
My parents toast Christmas My mum and me
My dad, Albert
My mum, Grace

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Family group
In May 2004, Albert turned 80 and I turned 50. In honour of this event, we had one of our traditionally quiet family gatherings. Gill joined us and Linda, Ian and Mary attended. Ross was there and took the photograph.

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Linda had her 50th birthday in August of 2008 and, a little while later, we had a family gathering.
Family group
Family group
Family group
Family group

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