2 in the House
24 December

By the time Ross arrived at Saturday lunchtime, I had already been into town to collect the hire car.

We've now got to settle down to living in the same house together, getting re-acquainted with each other's routines, sorting out the territorial disputes.

I'm not sure that an enforced fortnight of each other is the best way of doing this but, hey, kill or cure.

Tigerland poster Saturday evening, we settled down to watch Tigerland without a whole heap of expectations - after all it was directed by Joel Schumacher. However, with Colin Farrell (late of Ballykissangel) involved we felt that at least the eye candy would be nice.

Our faith was rewarded. This army recruits story gave ample opportunity for shower scenes, manly talk in underwear and threw in a brothel scene as well. Nice bum, Colin, we say. His compadre, Matthew Davis, was also pleasant on the eye.

Colin Farrell and Matthew Davis

But the film was more than that. Yes, it followed a lot of the clichés of the stock army recruits but it also said a lot about masculinity and changes within the military during the latter part of the Vietnam War. I found myself thinking about the film for a number of days afterwards.

Sunday took us shopping at Tesco's. Not surprisingly there were big queues. But this was Liverpool. A cabaret spirit broke out. Instead of animosity and struggle as there would have been in the South East, there was a sense of we are all in this together. Here are some overheards.

One of the purchases was liquid soap. I bought my last bottle when I lived in Barclay Road. I bought the one before that when I lived in Egerton Street. So far, it's been a case of one dispenser's worth per house. Maybe Kimberley Avenue will buck that trend.