Gallery of
Photographs of Ross

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Ross Ross
Ross - artwork Ross - artwork
Ross - artwork Ross - artwork
This is some digital artwork that Ross did during his first year
at Art College in 1997.

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Ross and Me
This is a photograph of Ross and I taken at a ten pin bowling night organised by my work in Spring 1997.

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Ross at Lea Valley
This photograph of Ross was taken at Lee Valley Park in February 2000.

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Ross at the Dome
Ross and me at the Dome
These photographs were taken at the Dome in February 2000 when Ross and I went for a visit with my parents.

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This is actually one of the artworks that Ross created for his degree show with Chris.

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Ross and my folks
I took this photograph of Ross with my parents in the summer of 2000 when we went to visit them.

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Ross's Work at Brixton Art Gallery Ross at Opening at Brixton Art Gallery
Ross's first gallery show was at Brixton Art Gallery in February 2001.

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Ross at Tate Modern
I took this photograph of Ross at Tate Modern during a visit in early March 2001.

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Ross, my dad and me
And here we are at Christmas 2002 in a newly decorated front room in Great Crosby with my dad.

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Ross's family
On Whit Bank holiday 2004, Ross's parents and his granddad came to visit us. This is a shot of them in our back garden with Ross looking as though he is a moody teenager despite the fact that he is pushing thirty.

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