People at Work 2

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By the time Connect moved to Liverpool Digital in February 2005, a lot of the people with whom I had been working at the start of my time with the company had moved on for a variety of reasons. By the summer of 2006, a further 13 of 19 people who I had presented here had left the company.
A number of new colleagues had joined, among them this group of people for whom I was the teamleader. Apart from Mitch, I was responsible for interviewing and recommending them for employment. Mitch was a bundle of hyperactivity but has a goodheart. He left for another job in August 2005. Steve is a sage and dependable chap. Kamal took a while to grow on me but proved himself as a good trainer and organiser. It was a shock when he was made redundant in March 2006. John was something more of a mystery; a former copper, he was been prone to a succession of illnesses which raised doubts abut his reliability and led to him being sacked in the summer of 2005.
Mitch Steve Kamal John
Mitch Steve Kamal John

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These are some of the other trainers. Steph is a real sweetie and went through a really bad time looking after an ailing and elderly father. Shirley and Geoff are both very nice people but are both very shy and unprepossessing (qualities which are not always helpful in the raining room). All three were made redundant in March 2006.
Steph Shirley Geoff  
Steph Shirley Geoff  

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On the management side, Jill is my current project leader although I've probably taught her a lot about what that entails. Ian is a long-standing and much respected colleague who embraced fatherhood in late 2005. Jo was the head of one of our marketing and sales teams (see below) until she left the company in the summer of 2006. Her expertise is missed.
Jill Ian Jo  
Jill Ian Jo  

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This is the Employer Liaison Unit which Jo manages. Allan is a former training colleague; he was made redundant in March 2006. Mandy was areally great colleague for a short while before she quit the company in the summer of 2005. David I don't particularly like although he is, possibly, effective in his job. In fact, it was he who I had to struggle over so as not to have him on my team. He quit the company during the summer of 2006 and was not much missed. Martin was the newest member of the group and was the longest surviving member. He is now employed within the Sales team although no-one is quite sure what he does any longer.
Allan Mandy David Martin
Allan Mandy David Martin

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If you look back at the first of these albums of work colleagues, you'll see that there was a lot more top totty about. Few have remained over time. Ian stays as head of the design team but, frankly, has lost the bloom of his youth. Paul is now married and moving gracefully on towards his middle years. Both Robin and Tom left during the redundancies of March 2006. Robin retained his cheeky Jim Carey look-alike smile; Tom maintained a brightness about him and the incredibly strong forearms of a mountaineer.
Ian Paul Robin Tom
Ian Paul Robin Tom

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Steve gets a row to himself because he is the one colleague who I could definitely lust over. I was even moved to write this eulogy about him. He was made redundant in March 2006.

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