2001 Review of the Year

At the end of the sixth year of this Journal, we, once more, reflect on the passing year.

This year has been one of settling in and putting down roots. It's not been the most exciting of years. I did all that in 2000. But there have been some memorable moments.

Let's begin with...

The Arts

and the usual variety of categories.

Best Film

The nominations are

And the award goes to


which was a complete delight, superbly acted and directed.

Best Theatrical Event

There are no nominations in this category this year.

Best Media Programme

It was a very slight year for television and radio. However, the nominations go to

And the award goes to

The West Wing

for providing quality entertainment in lean times.

Best Book

I've read rather a lot of non fiction over the past 12 months including a history of the Knights Templar, the story of sanitation throughout the centuries, an expoloration of the development of the typhus virus, George Melly's autobiography, an exposition of what is history and histography, biographies of Caravaggio and Eleanor of Aquitaine and intoductions to the Bible, the Koran, Hinduism and Buddhism.

From all of these, the award goes to

The Bible - A Very Short Introduction

for opening my eyes.

I've also read some useful fiction in the guise of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho K-Pax by Gene Brewer.

However, hors de concors in this category has to be

Canning Circus

not only because it was written by a very good friend but also because it was a very good read.

Best Operatic Event

The Royal Opera gave us La Cenerentola, Turandot and Rigoletto; English National Opera weighed in with The Barber of Seville and Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk; Chisinau National Opera brought Cavalleria rusticana and Pagliacci; Welsh National Opera offered The Magic Flute, Tosca and Katy'a Kabanova; whilst the Buxton Festival presented Un giorno di regno and The Nose.

So it's an incredibly mixed bag to choose from. The award, however, must go to that WNO performance of

Puccini's Tosca

for showing yet again that the reason that works become part of the standard repertoire is because they are bloody good.

Best Dance Event

This year, once again, there is not a lot on offer. The only event that sticks out in the mind and which, therefore, gets the award is

Robert's dance piece

which, although short, made a father's heart swell with pride.

Best Music Event

I've been to more live music than previously this year. The nominations are various and include Chester Summer Music Festival's presentation of Renaissance church music from the Tallis Scholars which was gorgeous to the ear. I also attended a number of Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra concerts from which their performances of Mahler 6, Mahler 2 and Richard Strauss's Don Quixote were memorable. The revelation, however, were the lunchtime concerts which were a joy. I liked hearing

And the award goes to

the Brahms Piano Trio

because I was bowled over by it on the day and, having bought a CD version, it has rarely been off my CD player since.

Best Exhibition

Most of the gallery visits have involved the Tate this year. I hope Merseyside will offer more variety in 2002. However, 2001 brought us nominations for

And the award goes to

James Gillray

for consistency of vision and excellence of draughtsmanship although the Bombay room in Century City and Isaac Julien's films in the Turner Prize selection merit special mention also.


Best Peak Experience

There have been a number of major experiences this year. Nominations go to

However, without doubt, the award goes to

that Formby picnic

because it was a magical day for all concerned.

Best Thing Round the House

I'm continuing to make good progress with creating a home. Nominations this year go to

And the award goes to

the carpeting

because it has made the house so much cosier and given Ross and I more venues for the next category.

Best Nookie

Firstly, I must make mention of the best sex I didn't have - which was with Chris. Then there was

And, although there were many more, the award goes to

the shag under the Christmas tree

because it sort of symbolised the start of the new chapter in our lives and christened the lounge carpet into the bargain.

Best Meal

The theme of the meals this year seems to have been friends. Nominations go to meals with

And the award goes to

the meal at the Four Cats

because it was the highlight of a good holiday with an old friend and the surroundings were superb.

Best New Friend

I haven't met any new people really this year. There's been a few work folk like Ian, Joe, Chris, Carl and Andy who I've gotten to know better but I wouldn't call them friends really. However, there is one person who I've known for a long while but whom I've sort of re-discovered this year.

The award goes to


because it was a pleasure to see him dance, welcome him to Ross's solo show and dine with him and Rachel in Docklands. Basically, I realised I like him.

Special Award

This year, instead of giving the award to a person, I'm going to give it to


because, after just over a year of living here, I feel very at home. I'm looking forward to the challenge of making a future here with Ross and I'm looking forward to exploring the area more as the years go by.