The Glory of October
5 October

We are having the most gorgeous Indian summer and I am loving it.

If I think back to last year, I remember the constant rain and flooding. This year its all warmth and light. So much so that the tomatoes in my back garden are actually ripening.

Tomatoes ripening in my garden

I'm also enjoying the journey home from work. Travelling by bus means that I get the opportunity to look around me and appreciate the flood of late evening light as it bounces off the Irish sea. Last year it was too cloudy to notice this. Previous years in London, at this time of year, I would finish work in the light and descend into a hole in the ground. It would be nearly dark by the time that I emerged.

I'm relishing the extra light.

Wednesday night I visited the Phil for a concert including Tchaikovsky's Fantasy Overture Romeo and Juliet, Tchaikovsky's Variations on a Rococo Theme and Richard Strauss's Don Quixote. The cello soloist was Lynn Harrell and he was truly exellent. Gerard Schwarz was our conductor and, though he kept everything going, I am not sure that I like the way that he pulls the music around.

In the interval, I bumped into Craig, a old flame from nearly twenty, yes that's twenty, years ago. We chatted and may well meet up again for a drink sometime. He is (or used to be) an architect. If he still is he may well be a contact worth having if we ever get to the stage of planning a loft conversion. *Wink*