Great Storm of 2000
31 October

When the Great Storm of 1987 struck I was in a plane passing over southern Spain on my way to a not very good week's holiday in Ibiza. I didn't know anything about the mayhem until I returned.

As an aside, Richard was on the ground in Barcelona as I passed over. I didn't know him at the time.

I knew more about the Great Storm of 2000. I drove down the M58 through it, through snow, through wind, through torrential rain, through flooded roads. Quite an experience I can tell you.

And why? Well I had to be at the house by 8am to make let in the man from British Gas who was going to commission my central heating system. I won't bore you with the details but we uncovered more evidence of the short-term, penny pinching employed by Mr Terry <spit>. However, I now have hot water and a heating system in my house. *Big Grin*

And, despite the storms, my little (well medium-sized) house has suffered no structural damage whatsoever. Huzzah!!