8 June

Well, it's another Labour government.

The majority is going to be around 167 which is remarkably similar to last time. The Conservatives have hardly made any gains whatsoever. The LibDems are up by a few which is good and contrary to what I thought would happen but hardly earth shattering.

My other prediction was completely off beam. William Hague has resigned with immediate effect despite a slew of people trying to persuade him to stay on. Which will have really fucked over Michael Portillo. Now the Tories will have to choose a leader before they know when the Referendum will be. Tee hee. Well that's them goosed for another 8 years.

In Big Brother, the British public made their opinion known in another election. They voted Penny out. Praise be.

Thursday I spent time at Internet World London in Earl's Court. It was certainly bigger than Internet World Manchester. I'm not sure that bigger necessarily meant better however. It did mean that each stall had to try harder to grab your attention - so hard that it was difficult to focus on any one thing. There were plenty of stunts.

For example, Kaptain Karisma - a superhero staffing one stall who wore his knickers outside his tights - I won't bore you with the details of where he kept his business cards. And a woman on stilts - nude apart from body paint - I never did find out whether or not she could also do the splits and whistle "Dixie". In fact, with the juggling and the clowns, there was a moment in the early afternoon when it was like being on the set of "The Music Man".

I attended a number of the free seminars and wandered around the commercial presentations. There was plenty of Prime Male Totty about. This season, for the thrusting young computer person, dark blue shirts have been replaced by light blue or grey shirts. Also, boxers are being worn high if the strange ambulatory stance is anything to go by.

The Dish The movie treat of this weekend was The Dish which was a mild mannered comedy about the involvement of an Australian satellite dish in the reception of the television pictures from Apollo 11 when it landed on the moon.

Inconsequential in most ways, lacking in sex and violence, without big name Hollywood stars, guaranteed a special effects free zone, it was a joy from beginning to end. The sort of film I feel that I could even recommend to my parents. *Wink*