28 October

The gorgeous weather has continued.

I spent some time out in my garden on Saturday continuing to clear the ground. If all goes well, by the time the first frosts arrive, I shall have cleared enough of the bottom end of the garden to have room for planting potatoes. I fancy an early crop of small salad potatoes in May.

Clearing the garden

The idea then is to get someone in to lay a patio of flagstones so that Ross and I can sit out or eat out as and when the weather permits.

Summer 2000 Mary in the garden

Anyhow, the whole thing is looking much tidier now than when I first moved in. The photie on the left shows the garden in the summer of 2000 with Phil, the cute estate agent person who has disappeared of the face of the earth. You may be able to guess the identity of the smiling imp at the end of the garden path in the other photie. It's my niece, Mary.

My parents, Linda and Mary came to visit on Sunday and we took the opportunity of fine weather to take a trip to Formby Point to see the red squirrels, have a picnic and play on the beach. There's photographs if you want to see them.

The hour changed last night as well. I think that that is the first time in many a year that I've not spent the extra hour with Ross. *Frown*

Normally, it is my habit to change all the clocks the night before and to get up at the time that my body clock tells me so as to have an extra hour of doing things instead of an extra hour of sleep. Today I slept late and did the clock thing this morning.