There's Something
About Mary (part 2)

More Photographs of Mary

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Mary visited my parents in summer 2009 for a family gathering. We went to West Kirby and saw a squirrel.
Mary Mary

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Mary visited my parents in the summer of 2008 for a family celebration for Linda's 50th birthday. Mary
Mary and Me Mary and Me
Mary and Me Mary and Me
Mary and Me Mary and Me

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Mary, Linda, Grace, Albert and David on a day out to Formby Point on 28 October 2001.
Looking at Red Squirrels Looking at Red Squirrels
Formby Point is one of the few places left where you can see red squirrels. Mary had great fun feeding them with monkey nuts.
Picnic Picnic
We had a picnic lunch by the sand dunes. As you can see, it was a very bright and brisk day - warmer than it was in May.
Resting After playing on the beach we all needed a good sit down.
Ice cream Mary had an ice cream.

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I went to visit Mary on August Bank Holiday 2001. We went for a walk on the Downs near Epsom Race Course and Mary went on the swings.
Mary at the swings Mary at the swings
Mary at home with adults -August Bank Holiday 2001
Mary at home Mary at home
Mary at home

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