On the Carpet
13 August

I know that it's courting disaster for a middle-aged gay man to confess that he's very excited about some carpet. But I am.

The carpet for the stairs and landing was laid today. And I can tell you that it's the only thing in this house that has been for some time - abstinence is not making this heart grow fonder. N'ertheless, I am in a sort of seventh heaven with my new carpeting. I now ascend and descend those stairs without sounding like a herd of cloven hooved animals tap-dancing on corrugated iron. I cannot wait to glide silently down the landing for a nocturnal micturation. I cannot wait to roll around and commit a pun on the shag pile.

Here, for lovers of tufted Wilton, is a short gallery.



carpet carpet
carpet carpet
carpet carpet

I should also report that, last night, I went to see Final Fantasy. I've come to the conclusion that I didn't really like it although it passed an easy hour and a half. The technology was very interesting but that was it really. Take away the technology and what have you got. A poorly scripted, poorly characterised, highly derivative, sci-fi fantasy film which, had it been made as a live action feature, would not be given the time of day.

The idea computer generated images surely is to liberate the cinema screen and show us things that couldn't otherwise be shown. Frankly, there was nothing in the film that James Cameron or George Lucas wouldn't have done and done with much greater aplomb. So, interesting but a failure that hardly merits the word "worthy".

Final Fantasy: Dr. Aki Ross, Grey Edwards, Doctor Sid

Some fairly renowned actors put their names to the voice overs. Ming-Na (from E.R.) took the lead as Dr. Aki Ross; Alec Baldwin made a heroic stab at heroic Grey Edwards; Steve Buscemi chipped in as one of the likable goons who sacrifices himself for plot reasons; Donald Sutherland kept a straight voice through some ludicrous lines as Doctor Sid and James Woods banked his villainous persona as General Hein.

The Internet Movie Database, fount of all kinematic knowledge and wisdom tells us that Final Fantasy was also known as:-

  • Final Fantasy: The Movie (2000) (USA: working title)
  • Final Fantasy (2001) (USA: working title)
  • Fainaru fantaji (2001) (Japan)

Now, I couldn't have made that Japanese title up for love nor money.