Mon Anniversaire
20 May

I've had a really nice birthday celebration this year.

Nothing too OTT. After all at 47, it's neither a zero or a five. But I've had cards and emails and phone messages - all of which was fabbity.

I treated myself to a couple of CDs. I bought a copy of the Brahms Piano Trio that I heard at the Phil earlier in the week. And it's just as good in a recording. And I bought Michelangeli's live 1965 performance of the Grieg Piano Concerto which, once you get over the dated sound, is just the most committed performance of this piece you are ever likely to hear. Well worth a shout at the end.

I've also been in contact with the Sefton Park Palm House Preservation Trust. I hope to get involved somehow.

And I've been reading The Bible - A Very Short Introduction which has been absolutely fascinating. The author, John Riches, doesn't duck the issues as to how the scriptures have been used to justify all sorts of abuse. Afrikaners used the conquest narratives of Exodus to justify land claims and eviction, slaughter and enslavement of indigenous folk. They saw themselves as a chosen people entering a promised land, fleeing the yoke of British tyranny. The black population were the Canaanites in this re-telling.

Desmond Tutu was one among many who challenged the Afrikaner cause by citing biblical texts at them. Although it would be inaccurate to dismiss the armed struggle of the ANC, what Bishop Tutu did was to steal the legitimacy of the Afrikaners cause away from them. He explained to them, with the unyielding force of Love, that they were wrong.

Saturday, birthday day, I spent time with the family which was most pleasant. Mary is a continuing delight.

Most notable was the bus journey there. Someone from the bus company was doing a survey of tickets and passenger usage. One owld biddie started off about how the buses would be busy on Sunday what with Liverpool FC's parade of their three trophies. The guy doing the survey said that he wasn't that impressed as he was an Evertonian.

Well, there was uproar. At least one of the owld biddies was all for turfing him off the bus there and then. Things were just quietening down when there was a rumble from the front end. "I shouldn't speak too loudly. I'm an Evertonian too."

The biddies knew better than to mess with the driver. *Wink*

Sunday was a hot day in the garden.

I've said before that I think that this Journal is, at one level, a love story. Ross has sent me this analysis of our star signs. There's plenty there that's right on the button.

Love Match: Taurus and Libra

When Taurus and Libra come together, it can be the meeting of two halves of a whole. These two Signs are thought of as being karmically linked. They're both looking for security in a relationship and they share a love of art, poetry and culture. This relationship may start slowly as, on the surface, they might have few common interests. However, they may learn they have much more in common than was first apparent.

Taurus and Libra both have a love for the arts. They appreciate fine dining and theatre, collecting art and music. Pleasure, physical, aesthetic, is a premium for these two Signs. They both love to woo and be wooed; courtship is a necessary part of any romantic relationship for them, and since they both have this need, they fit well together. Taurus appreciates Libra's charm; if stubborn Taurus doesn't get their way, diplomatic Libra is able to smooth things over and keep the peace. Libra appreciates the luxuries that sensual Taurus provides them. They also have much to teach one another: Libra can help Taurus see the different sides of a situation, and Taurus can help Libra overcome their notorious indecision.

Both Taurus and Libra are ruled by the Planet Venus (Love and Money). These partners share a love of beauty, luxury, love and romance. Libra in particular is keen on balance; both partners have charming personalities and desire harmony in their personal relationships. Venus's influence can create problems as well, however; these two Signs can both tend toward laziness and snobbery, Taurus based on possessions and Libra based on intellect.

Taurus is an Earth Sign and Libra is an Air Sign. Taurus gets through life relying on their innate practicality, while Libra relies on intellectual exploration. Conflicts can arise in this relationship if Taurus seems too possessive or Libra seems too flirtatious and social. If they want theirs to be a long-lasting relationship, they must learn to accept that their views of the world are different in tone and focus.

Taurus is a Fixed Sign and Libra is a Cardinal Sign. In general in this relationship, Libra initiates it and Taurus keeps it going. Libra needs to understand the Bull's stubborn tendency. With some gentle persuasion, anything is possible - and there is no Sign more gifted at gentle, subtle persuasion and charm than Libra. On the other hand, Libra's indecision may irritate the direct Taurus. As long as Taurus tones down the tendency to declare that their way is the only acceptable way to do or see something, Libra can accept Taurus's decisions.

What's the best aspect of the Taurus-Libra relationship? Their shared love of pleasure, beauty and culture. Aesthetics are integral to both partners, and their similar tastes and loves make theirs a relationship of great romance and harmony.

Finally, I am indebted to Dave from work for the following bit of birthday silliness. Before you look at the image, I want you to think about the film Titanic. Now, get that song into your head. Near. Far. Wherever you are... etc. OK. Click now.