Review of 1996-1999

Let's see what the high points of the past four years have been.

The Arts

Best Film

The nominations are

And the award goes to...

The Phantom of the Opera

because it takes a special film to be breathtaking after three quarters of a century. However, it's interesting to note how much events of the late 1500s dominate the rest of that list.

Best Theatrical Event

The nominations are

And the award goes to...

Julius Caesar

because seeing the play at The Globe gave so much to the overall performance.

Best TV Show

The nominations are

And the award goes to...

This Life

which produced the most memorable television of the past four years.

Best Book

The nominations are

And the award goes to...

The Man who Fell in Love with the Moon

despite strong competition from internationally renowned authors because it lives in my imagination for its humanity.

Best Operatic Event

The nominations are

And the award goes to...

Opera North's La Traviata

for making me weep buckets despite knowing the score inside out.

Best Dance Event

The nominations are

And the award goes to...

Swan Lake

because it was thrilling and sexy.

Best Music Event

The nominations are

And the award cannot be given because there is only one contender.

Best Exhibition

The nominations are

And the award goes to...

Anish Kapoor

for producing images I can still recall.


Best Peak Experience

The nominations are

And the award goes to...

becoming a godfather

because Mary is one of the bestest of best, best things to have happened in the past four years.

Best Thing Round the House

The nominations are

And the award goes to...

growing my own food

because growing and then eating your own food just has to be one of the most satisfying things anyone can do.

Best Nookie

The nominations are

And the award goes to...

that 1996 quickie

because I still know how good it felt.

Best Meal

The nominations are

And the award goes to...

the Christmas Eve meal

because I don't get to cook that often for my folks and this meal was a success at just the right moment.

Best New Friend

The nominations are

And the award goes to...

All Three

because how can you chose between people who give so much in different ways.

Special Award

The nominations are

And the award goes to...

Ross and David

because we are still making that journey together - even if we are on different tracks that sometimes appear to be divergent.