25 July

The main event around which everything else circulated this weekend was Mary's christening.

In the event it was a most pleasingly auspicious event. My parents were proud to bursting. Gill and Robert attended and seemed to have a good time. In fact, Robert was quite a hit with the young ladies present much to his embarrassment.

My parents stayed with me over the weekend and we had a good time mostly. I say mostly because we had to do a little negotiation about saying what we wanted to do. My mother is a past master at not saying what she wants. So we had a little sternness in Tesco's when I had to ask her to stop trying to second guess what I wanted and tell me what she would like. It was a moment but it passed and was for the good.

Otherwise it was hot, hot, hot and we did very little.

Ross had a particularly crap weekend with the heat which seems to set his ME off. I'll see what I can do for him next weekend.