Party People
3 October

Well, here I am on Sunday night at the end of a hectic week with a smile on my face and contentment in my heart.

This week has been the beginning of our academic year. I've spent the majority of the week away from my desk delivering induction talks. 18 so far out of 20. I reckon I've stood in front of 1,500 incoming students which is about 25% of the total.

It's been pretty good. I've done sessions for Greek and Latin students (7) in small seminar rooms, Physics students (160) in lecture theatres and the Graduate School (650) in the Bloomsbury Theatre. My worst moment was telling a group of Laws students that they may have problems transporting data around London on floppy dicks.

I also managed to slip out to buy Ross's birthday present. I ended up in CloneZone buying two pairs of black underpants by flesh - one for Ross and one for me. I like the idea of his and his knickers.

I managed a drink halfway through the week with Chris - I say a drink. We two seem to have the ability to induce if not bad then certainly verging on the naughty behaviour in each other. I have a thought about the way we behave together and Ross agrees with me.

I have the feeling that, together, we're both very active 4 years olds. We're aware and highly imaginative and creative. Playing games is great. If we'd been contemporary 4 year olds, we'd have had fabulous games together. We also have a highly developed sense of how arbitrary the adult world is and we are very sensitive to its nuances.

So we know about rules and boundaries and have an exact sense of how far you can transgress before there is real trouble. We both have a love of being naughty. *Smiles*

Anyhow we talked about all sorts of things for something like five hours. So, you can imagine that we had more than one pint each. *Smiles*

The conversation ranged across the usual myriad of topics but there was one potentially difficult moment when Chris informed me that Gavin would not be coming on Saturday. Bit of a pisser really since I'd been looking forward to doing a birthday meal for Ross for the four of us. Still, I could look forward to entertaining Chris and, to be sure, I did relax somewhat at the prospect of cooking for three rather than four.

I'm reminded that I must tell him sometime about my mum and the fridge magnet map of Ireland. My parents bought this object when they went to Dublin on holiday recently. When I first saw it back at the beginning of September, it showed the whole outline of the island and was all coloured a golden yellow. I joked with my parents that I hadn't know that they were closet Republicans.

When I returned recently for my aunt's funeral, my mum had stuck a small Union Jack onto the top right hand corner. Her reasoning was that, although anyone with any sense knows that they'll get it back sooner or later, whilst it's still ours we should show it.

Robert cancelled coming round to look at the UCAS web site in advance of making applications to University. This was a bit of a pisser since I'd been looking forward to seeing him. Still, it gave me extra time to organise the evening's meal.

I did however fit in a session of cranial osteopathy which has been recommended to me as a possible way of easing the sinus problems I get. You'll understand that the sort of manipulation is not like that with, say, the vertebrae. You don't go cracking the plates of your skull with impunity. But I can say that there were poppings and releases in my sinuses and a moment when there was an adjustment of pressure in my left ear. So, we'll continue to give it a go, I think.

The rest of the day was dashing around, setting the scene, doing the preparation, looking after my man, etc. Til evening arrived.

Chris arrived in tight designer tee-shirt and cargo pants. I say tight because Chris avowedly works out. At work, he's very much the smart suit person. At play, the muscles come into view. Hmm. Very nice. It's funny though. Chris sorts of wears his body like a protective shell. I can sort of imagine the carapace splitting and a (slightly) more lithe but much, much freer Chris emerging.

Once again the conversation, the wine, the food (Delia's vegetarian goulash followed by a fruit salad) all flowed. I wonder if Ross or Chris noticed the green theme running through the meal. If so, neither commented. And if they didn't it doesn't matter as it gave me pleasure.

We were up til one in the morning which is well past my Rossi's bedtime and we knew he'd suffer for it. But he's got to have a life as well as live with his ME and it was pleasant for the three of us to fool around mildly. There was kissing and stroking and a lot of cock worship between Ross and Chris. I was a bit of a third wheel but, after me shagging Cambridge Chris on the sofa while Ross was asleep above us, I really don't think that I have a third leg to stand on.

Sunday morning was long, long lie in. Nix to Quakers. Even Chris got a cup of tea in bed. Late, late breakfast before swinging into the day. Chris spent a goodly time in the shower which was appreciated since it gave the opportunity for Ross and I to let off steam on the sofa. *Blush*

Dropped Chris off at his place and then Ross off at his flat. Had a long chat with his friend and helpmate Chris about Ross's current progress. We keep swapping notes so that Ross can't box us off. Sunday evening has been quiet. A phone call here, an e-mail there, Ballykissangel, this EJ. Work tomorrow.

Communication from Chris but not from Chris. I wonder if I don't know too many Chrises.

Further good news - this month's issue of Attitude contains photographs of mini-celebrities with their kit off. Included among these is Jonathan Kerrigan and, goodness gracious, his bum is as bubbled as we all would have wanted it to be.

Jonathan Kerrigan's bum Jonathan Kerrigan's face