Disaster: The Movie
4 February

Having missed out on Titanic two weeks back when I cancelled a visit by Lowestoft Colin, Ross and I made it this weekend when Cambridge Chris came to call. I'd hired a car so we all tooled off to the local multiplex at Sunday lunchtime and settled in for the marathon.

Frankly, it didn't seem like three hours plus and, although the love story did not leave me in floods of tears, I was held by the tale and the spectacle of the disaster is unbelievably gripping. It's one of the few times I've felt that a film has conveyed the mindless terror of a major accident without sensationalising or exploiting it. It did feel horribly real.

What else has been happening on the social front?

Flute Well, Chris came down for the weekend primarily to see The Magic Flute at ENO with me as Ross wasn't up to attending. It's a production I've seen before and love: plus, it's music I adore as well.

Chris and I shagged on the sofa in the living room when we got back from the opera whilst Ross was asleep upstairs barely managing to get our clothes off in the heat of the moment.

Not my finest hour, I'll admit. But great, spontaneous, rampant, randy sex.

And Ross and I have talked this one through between ourselves.

Earlier in the week, I'd been out for a meal with Gill and Robert to mark Robert's 17th birthday. It's hard to think of him now as a weeney babe when there's this tall, strapping, confident, eloquent young man staring you in the face. The meal itself went well and the conversation was good.

I think that's all to report except to say that the weather has been clear and cold and that the sun keeps coming back into our lives.