Unease and Disappointment
10 April

Well, of course, during the six days of the Easter holiday, I woke up with ease at 7am every morning. Most times I got up and pottered around for a while, did e-mail, ate breakfast and then went back to bed for an hour or so, particularly whilst my Rossi was here - there's nothing better that morning snuggles, snoozes and then sex.

Wednesday, first day of work, and I couldn't get out of bed for love nor money. Still, when I did it was a nice morning to walk up to the Tube. Bright. Mild. Empty streets lacking in school children. Work was the usual after holiday greetings. I bragged about fixing the sash window and heard others' stories. I did a couple of good deals, sorted out the backlog of e-mail and stuff, got tickets for Colin and I to go and see Donizetti's Daughter of the Regiment, went swimming, caught sight of myself in the changing room mirrors (no, I'm not Adonis but there are signs of defined musculature that have never been there before) and then came home exhausted. I could do with a holiday. *Smiles*

Long catch up phone call in the evening with young Phillipe. He moves into his new abode this weekend. So, we wish him well and start the clock running to see how long it will be before he christens the place. Hem! *Blush*

Thursday and Friday passed quickly at work and I achieved quite a bit.

Thursday evening brought the last of the Quaker Theology courses. At the end of these, I have to say that they didn't really suit me at all. They assumed a level of scriptural and historical knowledge that I certainly don't possess. As learning exercises, they were far too head orientated and I think that that goes for a lot of the people attending. There was little time given over to personal exploration and personal testimony and there was always far too much reading material to discuss at any one session. I think I would have lapped the approach up several years ago as I could have locked myself into the intellect and forgotten about the emotions and the spirit. Now, I felt decidedly uneasy about the venture.

Saturday couldn't come too quickly as far as I was concerned. I think I've got a slight cold. Anyway, I've been feeling a little washed out. So, as I lay in bed on Saturday morning, I treated myself to listening to the radio and was delighted to find out that Home Truths is one year old. That's a year of top class listening and my thanks go to the Beeb and John Peel for offering it. You can find out more about it, if you like, by visiting their Web Site.

I razzed round the M25 to see Linda and Ian and Mary during the afternoon and then dashed into town to see ENO's Salome. I was prepared to find the performance disappointing and I was not disappointed.