Change of Plan
6 April

I didn't sleep at all well last night. The truth of the matter was that Ross wasn't there and I sleep much better when he is there. That said, I wish we could work out an arrangement where we could sleep together but live apart. I'm not yet ready for 24 hour contact.

My plan for the day was to get my carpets cleaned and then head of to visit my sister, Linda, and my new niece, Mary, delivering holiday presents as I went.

However, over the weekend, I'd spotted that the pressure gauge on my new gas boiler had dropped to zero. So, I phoned the folk concerned and was told that they would have to come and visit today because there may be a leak involved but they couldn't tell me when and because it was a late call they hadn't got any spare capacity so it could be after 6pm and no they couldn't tell me when but it would be someone to fix the problem and not just disconnect me. So the upshot was that I cancelled my trip to see Linda.

And, so, I've had a very domestic day of it. I've done a load of washing, had a hair cut, done a Tesco's shop and treated myself to some reduced price sirloin steak, sorted out the front garden, sorted out tickets to Julius Caesar at the Globe Theatre for when Dale and his sister, Clarice, are here in May, seen to the carpet cleaning man (dear God will they ever send me a good-looking tradesman) and seen to the gas man about the boiler (he came about 4:30pm and quickly fixed matters).

I've also continued listening to my talking books of Anthony Trollope's Barchester Chronicles. I've decided that I'm going to listen to all six novels whilst I'm gardening this summer - that's all 20 hours of it. Well, it's the closest I'm going to get to keeping company with a racy trollop this side of the Millennium *Smiles* - though, of course, that is an event which is fast creeping up on us.

So I'm off now to do an extra Yoga class (funny - this time last year I was looking forward to the Bank Holiday season as it would give me a little respite from the classes; whilst this year I really resent the disruption to my routine), before coming back to a soak in a hot bath with a milky drink and possibly some more of that racy Trollope. *Smiles*