28 February

Time has passed quickly recently. Lots of stuff that is of little interest to anyone but me.

The only quirk I should like to note was a clothes shop in Chingford I spotted on the way to Quaker Theology Group. It was called Facey's. Maybe it's just me and the way I pronounce things but I wouldn't call a shop that.

I have found out why I have been itching so much, however. A trip to see Dr Nirmal provided me with the information that I have had scabies. So, I have an embrocation to clear that up.

Satuday was one of those busy days. It ended with a performance of Orpheus and Eurydice at the Coliseum and a stay over at Ross's. The opera wasn't up to much which as a pisser because I love the work dearly. In fact, if anything the production had lost a lot since I last saw it two years ago. I found that the gloom and darkness made hearing the words extremely difficult. Particularly the chorus who were placed in side boxes in the auditorium. Their tone came through clearly enough. But very few words.

I got home from Ross's to find an answer machine message from my parents. They'd rung at 3am to let me know that I am an uncle.

Mary was born at 1.30am and weighed 8lb 5oz. It had been a bit of a struggle towards the end and she had to be suctioned out.

My first reaction was unashamed tears. Mary has arrived some three weeks later than anticipated and I hadn't realised how much tension I had been carrying around with me during that time. I was just so relieved that Linda was OK and that her child was hale and hearty.

I cancelled everything for the rest of the day and flew round the M25 to see parents, sister and niece. All were fabulous. *Big Grin*