16 August

As you've already read, Saturday morning was something of a wipe out thanks to the alcohol of the night before. Before I knew it, Ross was on the phone to say that he'd arrived at Kings Cross. So, I picked him up in the car from the Tube station and we came back here and reacquainted ourselves in the usual manner.

We'd hardly had time for lunch, when we had to be off to Tesco's for the shopping to be in time to collect Cambridge Chris from Tottenham Hale station. We nattered a long while sitting out in the back garden and decided that we would all go and see Lost in Space. I ended up doing the preparation for the cooking (a lamb casserole left on a low setting to cook whilst we are out).

The film was OK. It suffered from having to do a lot of scene setting and the plot (spaceship crashing on planet, false ending, time trick to undo false ending and make it all happy) was a bit like re-hashed Star Trek. Both Ross and Chris liked Matt le Blanc in black leather. I was mostly untouched but I did like Gary Oldman's line about Kansas and Dorothy which must have been inserted for the queens in the audience (only 3 in our showing judging by the laughter not coming from anywhere else in the cinema).

Then back home. The food is excellent, the wine that Chris brought is excellent, the conversation flows. And then to bed... and yes, we did, all three of us. And it was good. Very gentle and tender and lusty at the right moments. And there was another helping this morning when we woke up. It was very good to share Chris with Ross after our quick bout of illicit nookie back in February.

And no, you're not getting any details. You had quite enough details recently.

I went off to Quaker meeting and thought a lot about it. I don't regret a moment but there are issues to be faced. I have had a fairly full and exotic sexual history. Ross is just beginning his. And he will do it in his own way. I want him to have as much fun as he wants to have. But I also want the certainty that he is not going to find someone else he feels better suited to. And there are no guarantees on that score. And I need to look a little more at my sense of possessiveness over Ross.

The most we can say is that we will continue to be honest with each other. Ross told me that he and Chris had had one for the road whilst I was at Quaker meeting. I'm a little uncertain about that but I am glad that he told me. In the same way that he was (eventually) glad that I had told him that I'd had sex with Chris back in February.