Trucking On


Pissy nothing sort of a week in many respects.

What to report.

Well, my friend Gill had a cataract operation on one of her eyes that went well. I sent her some flowers. The woman serving in the florist made a helpful suggestion about including some scented flowers in the bouquet which was a nice idea for someone after an eye operation.

Phil has come up with a suggestion of Ross and I going to Tunisia with him on holiday for New Year. Roland phoned to check up on arrangements for his forthcoming visit. Colin e-mailed to say that he and David are going on holiday to San Francisco over the Festive season.

There's been plenty of good lusty sex this week. Which is fabulous since both Ross and I have been going through a sort of fallow period on that front recently.

And Ross and I attended a pretty good performance of Rigoletto at English National Opera. He'll never be an opera queen but he's not averse to the odd outing.

Julian Gavin was the Duke and was in good voice. Having seen him in the Royal Opera's Don Carlos earlier in the year, I must place on record how much I like him as a performer. Janice Watson was a sweet Gilda, Peter Sidhom a sinister but underpowered Rigoletto and Jean Rigby a mettlesome Maddalena.

And Hetty Wainthropp Investigates returned to our TV screens which is about as good as TV gets at present in a gentle sort of way.

That's about it really.