The Conversation


Thursday dawned bight and cheerful. The rain of yesterday seemed to have washed the air clean.

I'd not slept too well with Chris staying over as he snores loudly so I actually spent a goodly portion of the morning catching some extra catnaps. But it was too fine to stay abed too long so I got out the map and stuck my finger down and saw that I was pointing at the De Young Museum. So be it.

I caught the Muni into town and changed to the N-line out to Golden Gate Park. I was map-reading as I went and the guy sitting next to me asked where I was going. I explained that the De Young was my destination and we got into conversation. So, he gets off at the same stop as me and offers to show me part the way and I ask him if he'd like coffee and it turns out that he's a member of the de Young so we get in free, check our bags and head off for the coffee shop where we spend a very pleasant hour just talking away.

His name is Peter and he's a freelance writer for travel magazines. He has a crewcut and a goatee, looks fabulous and his eyes have the most charmingly wicked glint in them. We end up having such a good time together that I never get to see the De Young collection and the afternoon is spent in conversation.

It's also massively apparent, by the time I head back to the apartment that he went two stops passed his usual on the N-Line to show me the way to the de Young. Nice one, Peter!

The evening brings Beach Blanket Babylon with Rod and Dale. It's a fabulously fast moving and funny show which leaves me on a complete high. Just about the right state of mind for the Cablecar ride back into town which is completed hanging on to the outside running board. It's pure white knuckle.

We tool around Castro for a while and are standing outside eating some yoghurt when I notice a cute guy go into the bookstore next to us. Remarking on this, I'm told that this is Brownie who both Rod and Dale met on their walking tour this morning. When he emerges, introductions are had and before long Brownie and I are off to a coffee shop for conversation. He's really cute like Peter in the afternoon, looks a little like the actor Stephen Baldwin, has a really great lop-sided grin and used to design toys. We end up whiling away the night together on the deck at The Cafe. And it's a most pleasant end to the holiday in SF.

After a leisurely breakfast at Hot Java Cafe, I packed up and we bade our farewells to the Castro and travelled by Muni, BART, plane and car back here to Rod and Dale's where I'm typing all this up.

So, the question you're all asking is "Did David wet his weener in SF or is he the first gay man in recent history to visit that city and not make out?". The answer can be found by clicking here.