Love in the Afternoon


So, you want to know if I had sex in San Francisco. Well, in every video store around the Castro you can rent porn so I caught up with a few movies I'd seen mentioned on Badpuppy. Yup, I had a very intense relationship with a VCR and my right hand on a couple of evenings.

But you want to know if I did the beast with two backs thang.

And the answer is...


Hmmm, you probably guessed. But not with Chris. Chris is an old and dear friend and, though it's not an impossibility, the relationship's kind of moved beyond sex. No, we curled up naked in bed together and hugged and went to sleep. No, first it was Peter and then Brownie. *Big Grin*

If salacious and titillating detail of man-to-man gay sex arouses you, then read on. Otherwise, click here to return to the Electronic Journal homepage.

Yup. Two lovely, lovely men in the space of 12 hours. Very different in personalities and yet very similar in some ways. They are both fabulous kissers - I do look for that in a man. Actually, Brownie and I started necking on the deck at The Cafe and he gave me a stonking hard-on in seconds.

They both had lovely bodies - Peter slightly more heavily built that Brownie but both nicely proportioned - and were a delight to kiss all over and explore with my tongue.

Peter and I made out on blankets on the floor of the living room in the apartment he shares with his partner. I understood the protocols - the bed is theirs - but it was nice anyway. There was a view of the Pacific from the window and one time whilst I was kneeling behind him and caressing him and nibbling on his neck and ears I could see this beautiful view.

And whilst we were rolling around with the sunshine and shadows moving over our bodies it was like a sort of film noire lighting effect - or better maybe a film blanche because it was a ballet of joy.

I didn't come whilst I was with Peter although he did - spectacularly -but it didn't matter because the whole afternoon was one constant orgasm.

Brownie licked and kissed and nibbled like it was going out of fashion. He gave head in the most delightful way and finger-fucked me while wanking all over me. Then he helped me to a fabulous orgasm.

I'd truly have liked to have shagged him silly but he'd only just had sex when we met up and so understandably was not into it.

We lay round in my bed talking and hugging and necking a little more before sleep. Not that I slept much. God was I tired when we had breakfast at Cafe Java in the morning.

What can I say? Thanks guys it was great and I will certainly be in touch over e-mail.