Annual Audit
31 December

For the remainder of 2006, Ross and I did a little retail therapy as we used up our Xmas vouchers and bought the things that we'd asked for and hadn't received.

I took a trip into Liverpool on Wednesday morning and beat the rush. I managed not to buy many things but did buy, at last, my diary for 2007 from W H Smith's and a pair of over gloves from John Lewis. I spent the afternoon bringing the diary up to date. Evening brought probably the best TV of the Festive season with an adaptation of Philip Pulman's The Ruby in the Smoke; excellent acting from both Billie Piper and Julie Walters and excellent production values. It was very pleasant also to see not only the Albert Dock in Liverpool got up in disguise as a Victorian exterior but also the road outside James's abode just off the Euston Road in cental London.

Thursday, Ross and I made it to a local nursery which specialises in water garden plants. We needed some oxygenating weed for our pond. From there, we went over to Lady Green Nursery and picked up some bargain Christmas decorations and some narcissi for the garden. We had been looking for some more stone or slate with which to edge the pond but nothing spoke to us. During the afternoon, I was off to see Dr Dye. I've had a recurrence of my nasal polyps. So, I'm back on the drops to reduce and clear them. It's started having an almost immediate effect.

Friday, I went to the Strand Shopping Centre in Bootle for the first time. I spent my Marks and Spencer gift vouchers on tee shirts, a long sleaved shirt, some socks that we really wanted to buy and so we left it.

Saturday, we did Southport. Debenham's was the really big treasure trove. We came away with a new duvet cover (light blue), new towels for Ross, new feather pillows and a new shower curtain. I got some vitamin tablets from Holland and Barrett and that was us done.

Today has been Quakers and later the year will end.

I've completed my usual Review of the Year in another posting and it was something of a revelation to me.

My memory of this year is one of upset and fear culminating in the depression I am currently living and passing through. That's not the picture I get reading over this record. What I see are trials and tribulations to be sure. But there are also wonderful things that I had simply not taken into account - and I am not simply talking about the cruise here. I am thinking of days like the trip to Erddig or the visit to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. I am thinking of becoming a Quaker and performing yoga in the mornings so that I can now perform postures I couldn't even attempt.

So, how can I sum up this year? It feels like all the doubts and fears still assail me.

Well, the thing is that I haven't given in and I haven't gone under. I may be living life in a more cautious and more suppressed style than I was wont to do but I am changing gradually and I am trying to take care of myself whilst I am doing it.