Root and Branch
16 April

Last year's Easter entry concluded thus

Last year, this Easter weekend included good food, Ross, a bit of sunbathing, some culture, some work improving the house and lashings of sex - so much so that the entry was entitled Easter Bunnies. The Classic FM Hall of Fame turned out to be exactly the same as well. *Smiles* The major difference has been that Cyril was still with me then. *Sad*

Well, this year has been not dissimilar. My Rossi is my viagra. The main difference this year is not the loss of my cat but the fact that I have a different job and a new house.

However, I have spent a lot of time gardening. I got £10 in an Easter card from my dearly belovéd, ageing Ps. So, I lashed out on bedding plants and acquired some sweatpeas, foxglove, petunias, bellis (a sort of pom-pom daisy) and oxalis, a perennial rockery plant. Then there were the onions and carrot seeds. I'm going to be a very green fingered bunny this year.

There were plenty of photographs taken but you only have to look at them if you want to by clicking here. There are, of course, a number of surprises as things I didn't know where there start growing and things that I know of but can't identify. If you want to help with the identification parade, click here.

As well as all of the horticulture, we took time out on Saturday to go into Liverpool to meet up with two former UCL colleagues of mine, Emma and Graham. 'Twas good meeting up with them and exchanging gossip. We also had a very nice lunch in the Life Café.

Then a little shopping with a pair of jeans for Ross at Gap and then, on a supposedly quick detour on the way to the bus, we stopped off for a coffee at Café Nero. There we met Carl from work and then later Ian and his partner, Cristel. So, another hour went by quite pleasantly. And I was glad because it is about time that people from around Liverpool started to meet Ross and I can begin to tie other parts of my life together again.

And that, oh best belovéd, is about it. I could tell you about the giblets and the duck but I shan't. I'm going to sign off. Too early even to tell you if the top three of the Classic FM Hall of Fame turned out to be exactly the same again.