Honey and Rôles
23 May

I woke up on my birthday morning in Rotherham. 45 and Rotherham. Doesn't bode well, does it?

I was there attending a course as an observer. It was a funny experience actually. I'm used to either participating or delivering. This was a different sort of rôle which was a bit of each but neither really. I really want to jump in and shake the course up but I'm not going to get the chance. We stayed in the Swallow Thistle hotel outside Rotherham and I can honestly say that I should very much like to give courses there on a regular basis. I liked the rooms, the food and the pool and gym. Give me more.

I got home to Ross and lots of cards and well wishes from lots of people - thank you all. The best treat, however, was being in Rossi's arms.

The fun continued on Thursday evening when Colin and I attended an LSO concert performance of Verdi's Otello. After the disappointment of last year's ENO performance, it was good to attend a full blooded, high voltage performance.

Best singing of the evening came from Carlos Alvarez as Iago and Enkelejda Shkosa as Emilia. Andrea Dankova's Desdemona wasn't quite up to standard. José Cura was wonderful as Otello but you just know that this is as early stab at the rôle and that, in 10 years time, he will be much, much better. Colin Davis presided and whipped up a storm. The chorus were startlingly present.

Friday nothing and Saturday/Sunday Ross with a dose of opera in the middle. The Carmelites is the best opera performance I've been to this year.

The CarmelitesThe Carmelites
The Carmelites

Mephistopheles was the best night out in pure entertainment terms. This was altogether more thoughtful and emotive. The story of a soul's struggle to come to terms with a faith in the face of persecution. I doubt that I shall witness anything more affecting this year.