Monsters and Gods
16 May

I've still been feeling rough since the Bank Holiday. And eventually I took myself off to the doctor's to find out that I've got some sort of wheezy and am on antibiotics. This is accompanied, for me, by the usual depression.

Saturday evening I sat in on an on-line transmission from Club 2000 which was hosted by one of their models, Chance. Chance has appeared opposite Johan Paulik in the Bel Ami film An American in Prague and in the soft core spin off Johan's Big Chance. The format involved video download at 1 frame per 6 seconds and a real time text conferencing system. There seem to have been a number of these sessions in the past as most of the participants seemed to be well known to Chance. They chatted about all sorts of things.

It was interesting to watch them. He is a very good looking youngman in his early twenties and judging by the way he answered questions he is neither unintelligent nor insensitive. I've no idea how he got into the business of taking his clothes off for a living but he certainly seems to have decided that it no longer holds the glamour that it used to.

He was admitting to feeling that everyone only wanted him for his looks and that he was afraid of the changes in his body from being a youth into early mature adulthood. The guys chatting on the conference system said all the right things about liking him for what he is and not just for his body. But they were nevertheless interested in him taking off his apparel. And eventually they persuaded the lad to show his chest.

I don't know whether or not I found the whole thing sad or exciting. I find it odd in much the same way that I find Sean Patrick Live! odd also. Maybe I'm just as odd for posting this Journal. Maybe my pretence that it's just for the few is no more that - a pretence.

The week went by.

Friday brought a second trip to the doctor's. My chest has cleared up but we're agreed that there may be some sort of allergic reaction taking place so I'm on anti-histamine-type tablets.

Saturday brought ENO's Semele on the television. I missed this performance in the theatre to attend the wedding a couple of weeks back. Having now seen it, I can say that the tunes are nice, the singers are good and the production is eminently missable. I'm pleased I haven't made too much of an effort to catch it.

And it was Albert's 75th Birthday was on the Sunday. Golly. My dad is 75. We had a good family event. Gill and Robert were there are well as Linda and Ian and Mary and Helen. I said a few words over the champagne and the event passed very pleasantly. One of these days, maybe even Ross will be there too. *Smiles*