All in Line
7 March

I guess that by this stage I was starting to sleep better. Anyhow, I awoke with more energy but I lolled in bed napping and listening to Brahms's Deutsche Requiem on the radio. All of the radios in the apartment have miraculously been tuned away from Chris's favourite jazz station to Classic 102.1 KDFC.

I took the N Line round to Church and shopped at Safeway's for some comestibles for me. By the time I got back, Steven had arrived. Whilst he chilled, I phoned Rod and Dale, John Patrick and (hurrah) Trevor. Then we paid plans for the day, shopped briefly at Cosco, ate somewhere nice off Fulsom and then headed out to Sutro Heights Park for a brisk and blowy walk above the Pacific and some photo opportunities in front of the Golden Gate Bridge.

A quick detour on our return brought us to the Palace of the Legion of Honour which ticked off another Vertigo location. Then a meandering drive via Sea Cliff (look, Robin Williams lives up there), the Presidio (no longer a military installation), Laurel Heights, Haight Ashbury and down to Market and known territory.

A quick stop off at Steven's and we were at the Sundance Saloon where your dear author was tutored not in sun-dancing or moon-dancing or even lap-dancing but line-dancing and two-stepping. It was good fun but I was definitely consciously incompetent (for those of you who don't remember that reference, click here.

After 90 minutes of tuition, the real dancing began and all the really cute men who had been standing on the sidelines suddenly joined in and revealed themselves to be masters of their chosen art. I watched from the sidelines. I know it's been said of this sort of event before but lots of people were smiling and enjoying themselves and the company around them, there was a really nice mix of age ranges and ethnic origins and there was no smoke!! A few men wore Stetsons and cowboy boots. Disappointingly, the only person dressed like Tammy Winette was a woman.

8pm brought the line dancing. Firstly, one I didn't know and the one we had been practising earlier - the Chicago Stomp. I joined in and, apart from treading on Steven's toes once, I believe I acquitted myself well. I can see why it's a gay thing. Yes, you do have a selection of set steps but you can improvise around them and show off. You get to dance towards all four cardinal points of the compass so you get to face and present to everyone in the room at some juncture.

I was obviously a novice since I couldn't manage the steps without looking down at my feet. The real experts tucked their thumbs into their belt tags on their jeans, held their heads up high and moved only from the waist down. I am pleased to say that the guy to my East as we started had great buns that I got to observe three times as we moved through the steps. Another good reason for rotating.

I bowed out shortly after and came back to Bluxome for food and rest. I don't see Steven now until Tuesday evening when we'll do a film or some such. I'm quite looking forward to doing things at my pace, eating to my body clock and resting as much as I want.