Nothing Doing
29 December

It's that in between time. Christmas is done and New Year is approaching. I've only once worked during this period and that was when I was a commercial computer programmer back in the late 80s. It was dead. We were all paid just to turn up and sit in our seats. It feels better to be away from work.

I've stepped out on a couple of occasions even though it is grey and miserable. Every other shop doorway contained the traditional Festive votive offering of diced carrots and tomato skins.

As ever it has, as it should be, a time for people.

As well as seeing my parents over Christmas, I also caught up with Roland and his partner, Colin, for a brief drink and an exchange of presents.

My journey down from Merseyside went reasonably well and I had a chance to rest up before Monday, which was busy. My sister, Linda, plus Ian, Helen and the 7 month bulge I have taken to calling little incognito arrived and, after a brisk lunch and present exchange, we zipped off into town for the English National Ballet performance of The Nutcracker. Now, this is that last of the big ballets that I've never seen and I can't imagine why it has taken me so long to get round to viewing it. It was magical and pantomime and everything that a child's Christmas should be, including scary mice and rats. So a good time was had by everyone.

Monday night I saw Gill and Robert for an hour of chat and exchange of presents. I also caught up with the arrangements for Robert's 18th Birthday. He's having a family meal in Nottingham on the Friday and a lads' night out on the Saturday. Probably good strategy to keep the two groups apart.

Just before Christmas I received cards from Denise in Scotland and Liz and Julian down on the South Coast. Apart from Ronnie, they are the last of my University friends with whom I maintain contact. Maybe this year I shall actually get to meet up with them again. And just after Christmas I got my last two cards from Chris in San Francisco and Rod and Dale in Seattle.

I've had cards from Phil and Cambridge Chris. Lowestoft Colin I've not heard from as he will be Stateside at present. Brixton Colin was well but now seems to have excruciating back pain. God that man has had a year of it with cat bites festering, knee operations and now this.

And I'll get to see Ross at New Year.

So, I think that's all the important people who grace these virtual pages.

Tomorrow, I see Margaret. We are going to do some regression work together. Seems like a good way to end the year. *Smiles*