Family Weekend
4 May

Well, I've had a brilliant bank holiday weekend with my parents.

Not too much detail as I want this to be quick but they arrived on Friday afternoon and since then we've spent time on the Saturday with Linda and Ian and Helen and spent time on the Sunday with Gill and Robert and spent time on the Monday around the house on domestic chores which they were happy to help out with. It has been absolutely fabby.

And we have talked about so much. I have pieced together more of my childhood and the ways that all sorts of crises did happen but which I wasn't allowed to be a part of because my mother was protecting me. I've learnt about how I could almost define myself as having been hyperactive as a small person. And I've learnt that my dad is a fellow of the Institute of Wood Science and had to write a thesis on the art of kiln-drying wood. And I've learnt that my mum assisted in medicating my grandmother to relieve her suffering through cancer.

It's been splendid.

I've been sleeping in the back bedroom (the guest room) for the while and have been sleeping well. I don't know whether this is to do with lack of noise from the road or the fact that it's a weekend and therefore I'm not troubled by thoughts of work. But if it continues, I might move in there for a while to get my sleep pattern back to normal.

What else, oh, I've taken up swimming at work. There's a pool at ULU and I'm going to try and do 10-20 lengths once or twice a week. And I've discovered that 4/5 of my colleagues already do this. Things are changing quite rapidly at the moment.