1997 Review of the Year

If 1996 was a year of real energy and expanding horizons, this has been one in which, at least latterly, events feel that they have been closing in somewhat. Maybe that's just a part of the natural peristalsis that affects us all. Anyhow, without further ado, let's look back over 1997.

And the awards go to...

The Arts

Because I've been doing less, there's fewer pickings here than last year. But let's see what we can make of it.

Best Film

Hmmm. Volcano is in there for the sheer spectacle of seeing Los Angeles getting blown apart, Scream for being scary and a laugh at the same time, The Lost World for making me believe in that T Rex once more, Star Wars for being as wonderful as ever and Alexander Nevsky for being a true classic. However, the award goes to

Romeo and Juliet

for being an amazing filmed experience of a Shakespearean play and making me feel that Leonardo di Caprio is quite cute after all.

Best TV Programme

Even slimmer pickings here I'm afraid. Hetty Wainthropp Investigates, Casualty and E.R. continue to be good value for money. 'Stenders is occasionally watchable. Frazier, Cybil and Rozanne are the best of the American comedy series. However, the unanimous choice for the award goes to

This Life

for the second year and for the last time since it will never be revived. Brave but right decision.

Best Book

I've been reading lots of books by authors I've read before - Terry Pratchett, Len Deighton, Anne Rice, Sue Grafton, etc. The only new author I've tackled is Patricia Cornwell's novels about Virginia state coroner, Kay Scarpetta. However, the award goes to

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

for making me laugh, cry and get angry whilst travelling on the Tube.

Best Operatic Event

Hardly anything that I've seen this year, with the honourable exception of the ENO Falstaff, rates a mention and the Royal Opera Barbiere was the absolute nadir. The year would have been a complete write off if it had not been for this year's winner


given as part of the Holland Park Festival during the summer.

Best Dance Event

The Mark Morris Dance Company was a bit of a disappointment back in June so there is only one real contender here.

Swan Lake

performed by Adventures in Motion Pictures which was flagged as the best thing this year back in January when I saw it.


Best Peak Experience

This year's peak experiences have been less spectacular than last year's. Yes, there was the Fundació Joan Miró, Gaudi's Parc Güell in Barcelona and Linda's wedding. But there have been quieter peak moments like shopping with Ross, doing things around the house together, fighting for him over his current ailments and so on. However, the award goes to

going to Pride for the second year with Ross

and knowing that this was an anniversary that felt good.

Best Thing Round the House

Well, we've had the house painted. We have our treasure to come and clean for us. The garden shed has been erected. Shelves have been out up. The cook pots that Lowestoft Colin advised are a constant boon. The seal on the bath and the toilet handle were fixed by Ross's grandad. However, the award goes to

the plumbing in of the washing machine

for being an enormous help but, most of all, for being something I did myself.

Best Nookie

For the first time in many years, and certainly since I came out, I have had only one sexual partner this year. So, in contrast to the range of people I mentioned last year, I can only talk about sex with Ross this year. Do I regret that? No! Sex between us has gotten better and better as the year has gone on. And if we put a few hundred pennies in the bottle during our first year together, we fully intend to take them all out again and start once more. So, from the many pennies taken out of the bottle this year, the award goes to

the shag Ross and I had on holiday in Sitges during a thunderstorm

for being long, slow and strobe lit.

Best Meal

Well, instead of mentioning specific meals with specific people, this year I'd like to give the award to

Trattoria La Ruga

the local restaurant I discovered this year which has yielded good food on every visit and has been the scene of pleasant meals with Ross, Phil, Cambridge Chris, Lowestoft Colin and Roland and his Colin.

Best New Friend

No award in this category this year because I have made no new friends.

Special Award

And for the second year running, the award goes quite unquestionably to


for being ab fab.