1996 Review of the Year


This has been a really great year one way and another, a real tonic after some recent experiences. So without further ado, let's look back over 1996.

And the awards go to...

The Arts

Best Film

Close run thing here. Independence Day must get a mention for sheer spectacle, Se7en for being truly scarey, Pillow Book for technical mastery, Trainspotting for being brilliant and, last but not least, Babe for being an absolute delight from beginning to end. However, the award goes to

The Phantom of the Opera

for still being entirely fabby even after 72 years.

Best TV Programme

Slim pickings here I'm afraid. The latest outings for Prime Suspect and Cracker seem to show that their format is running out of steam though they were still very watchable. 'Stenders and Brookie continue their grim soap veins. Frazier and Friends continued to make Fridays fun while The X-Files kept up the pace (mostly). Murder One would have been the best new programme in most years but my choice for the award goes to

This Life

for being consistently on the ball, presenting the first believable gay character (Warren) in TV history and having the most ogleable man (Ferdie). The good news here is that the first series will be repeated in Jan/Feb 1997 with a new series to follow in March.

Best Book

Well as ever there's been lots of books this year from Terry Pratchett, Len Deighton, Anne Rice, Sue Grafton and Sarah Dunant to H G Wells, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen and George Orwell and most have been, in their various ways, pleasures. However, the award goes to

The Man who Fell in Love with the Moon
by Tom Spanbauer

for being wise, witty, cruel and true. I've been giving it to friends for presents ever since I read it.

Best Operatic Event

Few real treats here. Mention of José Cura in both Saint-Saëns's Samson et Dalila and Tosca, Elizabeth Connell's performance of Isolde (the first to make me realise that the Liebestod is constructed out of a series of questions), Julian Gavin in Don Carlos (in fact, the whole performance was ace) and Sharon Sweet as a high powered, high volume, beautifully sung Turandot. However, the award goes to


in the Covent Garden Verdi Festival for being such a delightful surprize.


Best Peak Experience

Well there's a number of possibilities here - the applause at the end of the first performance of A Time and a Place (the community play I was in over the summer), being swung upside down at the fairground at mini-Pride, sighting a bald headed eagle at the Snoqualmie Falls, going whale watching with Trevor and Florie, riding a cable car in San Francisco, dancing with Ross on the Gay Pride March. However, the award goes to

walking round the Castro

for producing the biggest shit-faced grin of the year.

Best Nookie

Well, I can think of nice times with Peter and Brownie in San Francisco, a couple of stonkers with Fred, a voyage of discovery with Sean and loads of times with Ross. However, the award has to go to

the quickie Ross and I had
in the toilets of a Pizza Hut
at the end of the Pride March

for being outrageous fun.

Best Meal

Lots of meals spring to mind with The Jameses, Lowestoft Colin, Ross, Fred, Sean, John, Rod and Dale, Cambridge Chris, Keith, John, etc, etc. However, the award goes to

a meal with Trevor and Florie in Victoria BC

not simply for the ambiance and pleasure of their company but also for the joy a seeing Trevor after 13 years.

Best New Friend

Well, it's been a profitable year in this area. I'm banning Ross from competing in this award as he's more than a friend. James II gets an honourable mention, Fred has been an absolute sweetie, Sean continues to be enigmatic but great fun, Cambridge Chris and London Zoo Michael are there and need a lot more cultivation. However, the award goes to

Lowestoft Colin

for being there in lots of ways. I can't believe I've really known him for less than a year.

Special Award

No contest here. The award goes to


for being ab fab.