Work is Hell
4 October

The last three weeks have been hell on earth. Well, you know, beginning of the new academic year, new incoming students, induction and all of that. I can't say that it's been any busier than previous years. It's just that the atmosphere round the whole institution feels sour and weary.

Very little else has happened.

The Mikado

Ross and I have been to a very lacklustre new production of The Flying Dutchman at the Coliseum and a fun revival of The Mikado at the same venue. I went with Colin to see the Royal Opera at the Barbican in Rameau's Platée. We both felt uninspired enough and weary enough to drop out at half time, have a quiet drink together and make it home for an early bath.

Ross travelled off to see his parents before his course started up again. He's looking increasingly weary though his doctor can't find too much wrong with him. Blood tests don't show any viral infections, kidney, liver, lymphatic system, etc all seem to be OK. He's got a low white blood cell count and there's something slightly off with his red blood cell count but no alarm bells are ringing.

At least we've managed a little light relief today by going to see Volcano at the cinema. Indifferent story, passable characters but excellent special effects. Yes, you'll really believe there's an erupting volcano in the middle of Los Angeles. It really didn't feel like 100 minutes once the action erm... hotted up. My pizza movie of the year so far.

The only other event of note was Ian's stag night a week or so ago. Pleasant enough occasion. It was good to meet Ian's dad and brother - the other usher at the wedding. Only a short while to go now before the big day and sister Linda's wedding to Ian.