Strange Meetings
30 June

So, anyway, there was Ross on a Northern line tube on Friday afternoon. He'd noticed a group of youngish men in the carriage. Not all of them looked entirely heterosexual. One looked quite familiar. Anyway, this young woman gets up and asks for the familiar looking one's autograph. And is very pleased to receive best wishes and all from...

Ryan Giggs !!

You know the footballer. Well I, for one, think he's very hunky and wouldn't've minded waking up to this Sigh, gasp, swoon - that is until I met Ross. Hem!

My strange meeting of the week came via e-mail - just to show that it's not only James II that gets into strange cyber trystes.

I love your first page that comes up on the web search .... I was reading a magazine on Sexual Health..(.I was given a copy at a Gay Pride Rally in Wash DC..).. I had just spoken to my lover who is a psychologist and had asked the question of , Why I thought I was a good lover with him when I had just voiced doubts of my lovemaking ability with a woman I had been with the day before. I struggled a bit with the answer, thinking of the 11th floor hotel window fuck and the time I was tied to the headboard of the Country Inn..., well, uhhh you get the idea... and I spent a bit of time reflection and getting hot remembering... and picked up the magazine and opened to your article. Your starting paragraph was so startling I had to send it to could not have described out lovemaking any better if you had watched us!

He and I met on AOL and through the normal progression of cybersex to phone sex to meeting in real life we explored our fantasies..deeper and deeper. each of us happy and desiring to make it real...he is a 48 yr old man who has an erection problem...he does the shots (gets hard for 3 hours regardless of orgasms) and his wife is non orgasmic. I am multiorgasmic ...bisexual, imaginative...and my deepest desire is to pleasure him (he gives me more pleasure than anyone I have ever met and I have a fairly large sample size to draw from, being a child of the 60s) and I think he is the best lover in the world!!! We live 500 miles from each other and our 'lives' don't touch! in our room there are no consequences..we are free to experiment and risk with no guilt or embarrassment...(then we return to our respective spouses and our lives)

Do you think this is the attraction to people meeting online??? I would LOVE to discuss the meeting strangers from the internet experience and why people do it.!!

If you would be interested in chatting sometime, let me know.

Mary Lou

I e-mailed back to say that I didn't know what she was on about and received.

After I read the essay in the magazine I went to the web and brought up the Yahoo search engine. I put your name in as the search criteria ...and poof...up popped a few references. The first of which was a webpage at this address...
David Guy - David Guy. David Guy is charming, intelligent, wryly amusing and dynamite in bed (unsolicited testimonials and signed affidavits on request).
Then, reading on to the next match on your name I just came upon... this entry... SHIT...I'm sorry to have made the faux pas of making a pass at a man who is gay...sigh..sorry. Are you even Bi??? hahaha, well .. your partner looks great, enjoy.

see ya,

Mary Lou

Frankly, I'm still not the wiser. Just assuming for the moment that this is

I now know more than I would ever need to know about a middle age psychiatrist in the States who has impotence problems and is conducting an extra-marital cyber affair over the Internet with a woman called Mary Lou. Doesn't it just make your jaw drop to think that someone would be so rash as to post such stuff to a complete stranger? I would love to know what this magazine article that Mary Lou keeps going on about is/was actually about and which David Guy on planet Earth actually wrote it.

Elsewhere in the week, a couple of visits to Covent Garden to see the (now) concert performance of Macbeth - splendid musically but still a disappointment not to see a proper show - and Simon Boccanegra - again splendid musically and most pleasant to hear Domingo again after more than 20 years. The Saturday night was actually my farewell to The House in its present form. Closure for the next two years puts the company out on the road. Providing access and air conditioning are improved in the new venue, I don't think that I shall grieve too much.

Things at work continue to be pissy with various bits being hived off or stuck on. No doubt, the dust will settle at some point. Disaffection is the ruling passion, however.

Rain has dominated the weather picture. We are now on for the wettest June for some years. However, it is of course the wrong sort of rain. According to the experts, rain at this year is good for plant and rivers but not good for the water table. I dunno. I'd've thought that any rain was good rain.

Wimbledon has been much affected, forcing the authorities to open up on a Sunday for only the second time ever. Tim Henman still remains in the frame. Hoorah!! I am behind him all the way. Or at least I would be if I could. *Smiles*

Sunday we tidied the house from top to bottom whilst fitting in bits of tennis and webbery and Phil arrived at Euston at the allotted hour, came back to the house and a pleasant meal was had and drink and conversation and tennis watching and then it was time for the bedtime hour...