The Drought Ends
27 April

Bit of a quiet week after the excitements of European travel. I did get to meet an old chum, Paul, on Friday night and, as is the norm, when two ex-patriate Liverpudlians get together, much stuff was supped.

Friday and Saturday brought the first rain in ages. After nearly a complete month without water, we've suddenly had bucketfuls. So, time to plant out for the summer. Mixture of mesembryanthemum and sweet william in a border in the front garden. Boxes of stock and antirrhinum in the back and some mixed mimulus in the borders.

Early evening brought The Damnation of Faust at the Coliseum. I hated the production for its hollow intellectualism and condescension. Ross loved it for more painterly reasons - use of space, light and colour. I understand why he liked it. I just think that they are reasons which have nothing to do with the work that Berlioz wrote.

Later, was Matthew's birthday party and the delights of seeing Sean, Fred, JohnM and many others from the UK.GLB newsgroup. Matthew, as ever, laid on a buffet - and very nice he looked too, flanked with truffles with an apple in his mouth. *Smiles*

Lots of wine was drunk. I mean half pint glasses full. I've felt self-induced wretched all today but did manage to get to see Colin this afternoon. I'm sure I was more subdued that is my wont.

This week is a heavy one at work. Big training sessions for me to manage. Still that's what I'm paid for.