Sean's View


Sean has just sent me an e-mail about the weekend described in the previous EJ entry. Since it offers a slightly different perspective on things and different sorts of information that I omitted, I've asked him if I can reproduce the parts that cover our time together.

....Then I head off for London. I locate my target (David) about 1am after only a minor detour past Whipps Cross (oo-er!). A drink, a chat and bed.
Saturday is a very lazy day. David and I get up around lunchtime and have pasta and salad alfresco (go look it up you plebs!) and I soak up some UV. David sensibly sits in the shade while I go visibly pink.
Finally, we get around to catching the tube into town to meet "Chris from Cambridge" at Leicester Sq and go to Old Compton St to find food... Amalfi's is the consensus and I have deep fried mozarella (yum) and pasta in garlic, oil and chilis (even more yum :-) then it's off to Haymarket for da film.
Only we're early because the paper said 8:10 but it should be 8:35. Ah, time for another drink! So we scoot round the corner to the "Captain's Cabin" (aaargh!!! "Dive down to the lower deck" says the sign!) and sit gossiping about sexual encounters from university days... he he he...
The film is actually a documentary, "The Celluloid Closet", about gay images in Hollywood movies over the years. Fascinating stuff... did you know Ben Hur was a gay love story? No, neither did I. The documentary has interviews with scriptwriters, actors, producers, etc describing how carefully they had to encode gay images to get them past the censors. It'll certainly open your eyes about films you knew (and loved?)...
Chris goes back to Cambridge. David and I head back to his place. Despite the lazy day, we're both still dog tired. Sunday follows a similar pattern except that dinner is not alfresco :-) In the afternoon, we make use of my digital camera to provide some stills for David's web page (sorry D, haven't had time to upload them yet... "real soon now" honest!)
Then we head off to Victoria to pick up Ross, David's friend from Lincolnshire who's going to be studying sculpture at St Martin's college but hasn't had much luck finding a summer job "oop North" so is going to chance his arm in London.
David does not appreciate my driving (join the club :-) )but we reach Victoria in one piece and on time(!) and meet Ross who seems to have left only the kitchen sink behind... his rucksack is as big as him and he has a very heavy suitcase too! Back to David's again and David cooks a lovely meal of lamb in tomato and mushroom sauce... after which I leave (around 9pm) and head home...

After the last EJ, I had a number of e-mails asking me what the change in my domestic circumstances has been. Well, Sean's message tells you most of what you need to know. Ross came to stay on Sunday. He's been looking for a job all week and has certainly come up with more possibilities than if he'd stayed at home.

We're getting on very well and I don't want to tempt Nemesis by saying any more than that now, thank you.