Pleasing Some of the People


As the Electronic Journal celebrates its 25th posting, I can announce that there are only 10 sleeps before Seattle - well actually that's 9 sleeps and one restless night looking at the ceiling. And TAN TARA I picked up my flight tickets from Thomas Cook's this morning.

I had a moment's sadness on the way there. I had a memory of the times that David used to drop me off at the Tube station in his car on the nights that he stayed over. This probably only ever happened, oh, a dozen times, maybe less but it was one of those shared, intimate things. It's moments like those when I miss him most.

Last night's performance at the Duke of Cambridge Pub Theatre went OK. I was relieved that I could honestly say that I liked the piece that Keith designed. He was delighted that I'd made the effort to be there and I was pleased to support him. We talked a little about the arrangements for Seattle - he's going to be house sitting for me. I also told him about my busy schedule.

He was particularly mirthful about my arrangements to see Colin for the first time on the Saturday before I depart. He threw me a broad grin and said

Couldn't wait, eh? What are you like?

I dropped my gaze suitably embarrassed. There's a warmth and intimacy to being known so well by someone else. It's also decidedly uncomfortable on occasions.

I dragooned Richard out there for the show and a drink and a chat. We missed the second half as we talked the evening away. For the first time, really, I opened up to him and talked about some of the things that are concerning me at the present - like Colin and Robert.

Colin has been mentioned here many times. I've been more reticent about Robert. Well, the latest news is that he has a girlfriend, one Gemma. And my first thoughts are inappropriate and atavistic. Like he's only 15. After all, I was 16 before I had my first girlfriend and 17 before I lost my heterosexual virginity and, of course, that made me all the more mature, didn't it?

I've been taking a few soundings from James I as well on the grounds that, at 19, he's a lot closer in age to the issues than I am. Well, we'll see over the weekend as Robert and I visit my parents.

There seems to have been a plethora of new TV programmes that I seem destined to be wed to. I'll have to instruct Keith to video them whilst I'm away. All seem to have their statutory gay character.

This Life is set in contemporary London and follows the fortunes of a houseful of twenty-somethings at the beginning of their legal careers. Warren is the gay interest here - not a babe, over confident and full of jargon. Not a nice person. But then there's one of the minor characters who's a clerk in one of the law firms who is as fit as a butcher's dog. David's hot soap tip - before the end of the series, he's going to be bedded by Warren and one of the women characters and there'll be a sort of cliff-hanger shock surprise when his bisexuality is revealed.

And the Beat Goes On is set in Liverpool in the early sixties and is full of nostalgia for the likes of myself who is a child of the City. The gay character here announced himself by a bit of pre-Woolfenden cottaging (if you don't understand the implications of that, ask you nearest friendly gay man to explain it to you). David's hot soap tip - before the end of the series, we are going to be subjected to a bit of gritty, realistic queer bashing to show how dangerous it was to be gay in those unreconstructed days.

Murder One is my favourite. I know it's American but it's completely escapist and the gay character is fabulous. He's the one who looks after the law firm. He's the major domo, the receptionist, the chief of the administrative pool. Nothing gets passed him. No-one's said he's gay but he's a queen par excellance. And the thing is that, though in many ways he has all the elements of stereotype writ large, I've worked with this man on many occasions (well his mirror image anyway). David's hot soap tip - before the end of the series, well, actually this has nothing to do with the gay character, I think that the wife did it. She had a magnificent entrance in episode one. She'll come back big style before it's all over.

Just been to Tesco's to get some food for Robert and I. The beef's all on Special Offer. Hmmm. Wonder why?