Making Hay
15 March

There are a number of things I really look forward to about having time alone at home.

Until recently, when Ross and I started sleeping in separate rooms, the novelty of being able to get up and open the bedroom curtains to greet the day was a major asset.

This time, by far and away the most enjoyable novelty was being able to have sex on my own bed. And what romps we had.

I managed to entice both Luke and Dylan to join me for a most fabulous three-way. They had never met before but I'd had a great time 1-2-1 and in three-ways with them both on previous occasions and both had proven to be enthusiastically versatile. There was, however, very nearly an upset. Dylan went quiet on the day of the meet. I very nearly cancelled with Luke but, by the time I'd made that decision, Luke was already on the train to Liverpool and then Dylan rang apologetically because he'd over-slept. Being a girl who just can't say no, my guess would be that Dylan had been making whoopee the night before.

Nevertheless, we collected Dylan from his house in my car and drove back to Crosby. I'd already sorted out condoms and lube. Toys like Mr Swirly and Mr Whippy were on hand. I'd got the mirrors in position and draped cushions and blankets over my chest-of-drawers to create a play station so we could expand the possible range of activities.

The Games commenced.

Without me asking, Luke stretched out on the bed with his head towards the bottom so that he could look up and behind at the main mirror and Dylan dived on his cock with his mouth swallowing and licking like the pro he is. Before very long, he started to dip his back any display himself for me. I took the hint and rubbered up and we were away - god, he's got a lovely accommodating arsehole. And, in the mirror, all three of us danced in unison.

Then, they swapped positions and I got a good view of Luke's arse as he chowed down on Dylan's cock. A new rubber and I was in Luke banging for all I was worth. Nice little jiggle in those bum cheeks, I can tell you.

I was delighted with progress but fancied a rest. Luke suggested that he might boff Dylan and I was happy with that providing that Dylan agreed. Dylan's eyes lit up. We decided to use the chest-of-drawers as the focus of the activity and Dylan bent over it and stuck his arse out to receive. And receive he did. Heartily. Noisily. And deeply. And then he jumped up onto the chest, lay on his back with his legs high and wide and simply submitted to a full out assault.

Luke tops DylanLuke tops Dylan

Just about at the point that the dopamine was about to kick in, Luke suggested another pause and Dylan eased himself down and dropped onto the bed with a great shit-eating grin on his face. We chatted for a while and then, as Dylan perked up again, I asked if he wanted revenge and he most certainly did. Within moments, Luke was on his back with his legs over Dylan's shoulders while Dylan pumped away like a good'un. I took a turn sucking Luke off before I had another go at shagging him and then Dylan sat down on Luke's cock pretty much to the base and bucked his hips back and forth while I wanked him from behind and kissed his neck. I suggested a bit of DP but Dylan thought not and we had another little rest.

The two lads got themelves into a 69 with Luke lying on his back and Dylan in a sort of doggy position while I had another go inside him from behind. When I'd done, Dylan took control. Standing on the floor, he got Luke on his back at the edge of the bed and hoisted his legs over his shoulder. Then, he fucked him - magnificently. Done with that position, he flipped Luke into a doggy and went at him again. As Luke gradually got banged across the bed, Dylan climbed on after him and pushed him down flat before resuming a spirited pounding - and came - noisily.

Dylan tops LukeDylan tops LukeDylan tops LukeDylan tops Luke

They parted, sweaty skins making a suctioning noise. Luke was rock hard: he rolled on hs back and began wanking immediately. Dylan's cock was still serviceably hard so he slipped it back in Luke and resumed ploughing him until Luke sprayed a great shower of pearly cum all over his abs and pecs. Dylan pulled out and I jumped in for an eager, unsophisticated helping of sloppy seconds.

And that was that. I drove them both back into town. It felt like the least I could do even though it was an extra physical challenge I felt that I didn't need.

I can honestly say that that was one of the best threeway sessions I have ever had. Up there with

Opera North's Street Scene I managed one arts event while Ross was away. Opera North's production of Weill's Street Scene. It had been forty years since I last saw this work at the Liverpool Empire, given by Scottish Opera. There was a reasonably full house of people braving self-isolation in crowds.

I was looking forward to the evening and was not disappointed.

Certainly, it was a great company achievement that told a straightforward storey in complex circumstances - much like Porgy and Bess though without the po-faced, respectful delivery that scuppered that performance.

Meanwhile, life seems to be contracting as Covid becomes a more and more pervasive influence on everyone's life. Here in Crosby, we are simply getting on with things. There is plenty for all in the shops despite the best endeavours of those from elsewhere who stripped our shelves yesterday. It's postcode raiding. The panickers have stripped their own neighbourhood and now are crossing borders.

I don't suppose that they care how much extra they are costing themselves with the travel costs because they are panicking. Coping as best you can is by far the better option. Panicking is not going to make the situation any better. The behaviour isnot even motivated by self-preservation because it's indiscriminate and not strategic. Why choose to buy all those baked beans? The bottled water? The toilet rolls (maybe the baked beans)?

There was a picture in this morning's papers showing an Aldi looking as if a riot has hit it with stock and overturned trolleys in the aisles. I suspect the photographer who took the shot knew that Christmas had come early for him this year. Newspapers will have wanted that one image to fulfill the line they are peddling to push the panic. Sainsbury's CEO has sent out an email urging people to buy normally and there will be enough to go round. I can't see those who are rampant paying much heed.

Toilet paper shortage

People don't know their arse from their elbow

Watching a film last night on More Four, the content of the occasional blast of adverts never seemed more irrelevant - cruise holidays, new cars, elegant home decorations, branded fragrances, just what are they for?

Still, here is an example of the human spirit at work.

There's a town in Italy where the Mayor's banned gangbangs! The fact that so many must have been up for it in a time of global crisis makes a man proud to be Italian - to misquote Churchill. In riposte, however, PornHub is offering free membership to anyone in Italy so they've something else to do while they're in lockdown. Hahahaha

There are ironies springing up all of the time. We've only just put in place measure to control our borders that explicitly dissuade "low-skilled" from other countries coming to work here. And then we suddenly find that we can't get on without them and are encouraging them into the workplace when others are looking at home working.

We rely on low skilled workers

I'm astonished that this UK government has moved so quickly to offer such support as they have. And then you look at just how much more organised the French seem to be about doing all of this.

France's aid package not organised than UK's

And, finally...

The Cure