Life In Technicolor
18 February

When we are on holiday in a few weeks' time, Ross's parents are both celebrating their birthdays.

The two of us They have a gallery of family photographs on the staircase wall in the family home and, though they have photos of a young Ross, his mum's being saying for a while that it's about time they had a photograph of the two of us.

So, we thought we'd get a portrait done and this is the result.

Camelias Our garden is becoming more affected by spring. The number of different colours increases weekly with the crocuses, hellebores and camellias.


The Snow Maiden I went with Colin to see Rimsky-Korsakov's The Snow Maiden given by Opera North at the Leeds Grand.

We both greatly enjoyed the performances and the show. The colours of the orchestra and the colours on-stage kept the piece going but please do not ask me to explain the rationale behind the sweat-shop sewing machines. I can only assume that they were making use of the items from de Falla's La vida breve from over a decade ago.

Nevertheless, it was well worth braving Leeds' one-way system to attend.

The Snow MaidenThe Snow Maiden

I'm glad we are getting into the habit of calling out fake news.

Daily Mail lies

It's a pity that the claims about Pringles and oral sex from 2008 are untrue: I wonder if they meant at the same time or just separately.

Here is an unidentified tweet.

Time zones are so amazing. It's a different time all around the world. For example, in some parts of the USA, it's still 1950.

POTUS45 wants this photo of his dodgy tan removed from the internet. Tee hee. Someone's not heard about blending. Ha. Please do not share this photo and cause POTUS45 any undue stress or strain.


A big shout out to Prime Minister Trudeau who is also in the frame above. Recently, a journalist tried to call his bluff by asking him to explain quantum computing. To everyone's surprise, he did so with ease. There's something very refreshing about a Prime Minister with this amount of knowledge and enthusiasm.

We are also pleased to note breaking news on the Mexican Wall front...


...and to explain the reasoning behind the exclusion ban.


I love predictive text. Haha.
