


Mum 2 feb Shippons Irby. Having lunch with my mum.

Daniil Trifonov 2 feb Trifonov is outstanding - worth every superlative I've read about him Nigel Absolutely agree - incredible virtuosity and everything about his stage presence communicated his passion for the music. Stravinsky's ballet Jeu de Cartes Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No4 in G minor Prokofiev's Symphony No5 in B flat

Giacometti sculpture 4 I'm participating in an idea to occupy Facebook with art, breaking up the political posts. Whoever 'likes' this post will be given an artist and has to post a piece by that artist, along with this text amending it to suit their purpose. I was given Alberto Giacometti, sculptor, painter, draughtsman and printmaker. I've always loved his stringy, knobbly figurines lying as they do somewhere between LS Lowry's matchstick men and Mervyn Peake's Mr Flay. Happy to spread the love.

First aubergines, then courgettes, now lettuces. Why can't people get used to the idea of seasonal variations in the availability of produce? There was panic buying of lettuce this weekend at our local Sainsbury's; I believe that it is just the tip of the iceberg. Haha. That was a little gem.

Holy Water 6 feb Ah, those rural people of yesteryear - such an earthy sense of humour.

The Tempest 7 feb Here for the RSC production of The Tempest with Simon Russell Beale as Prospero. Excellent elements. Loved the staging of the disappearing banquet and the masque. Loved the music. Very intrigued by Quartley's more-human(e)-than-Prospero Ariel. Not convinced by Simon Russell Beale. Felt like bits of a character rather than an integrated whole. So, frustrated rather than fascinated.

Yves Klein 8 feb Yves Klein Exhibition at Tate Liverpool Interesting but far from outstanding

8 Feb Shopping at Mattas for apricots, cashews and dates for the larder. Armistead

I think we'd all worked out that President Trump does not know what he is on about half of the time. However, his latest tweet has left many of us slack jawed with amazement.

The charitable are explaining that he probably intended to mean an easy decision. The rest of us (the smutty lot) are quite convinced that's he tipping us the wink about a predilection for readily available dick. And, at this point, I am sorry to be the party pooper but, having spent a good deal of time in the 1980s and 90s waiting for and seeking EASY D, I'm not sure it's as readily available as the president may think.

9 Feb clap

10 Feb Some statements stand without explanation.

Mental Health

14 Feb For my Rossi


From the Twittershpere... Roses are red Violets are blue Poems are hard Send nudes

A nerd's alternative to "Roses are red..."

Roses slternative

The two of us 15 When we are on holiday, Ross's parents are both celebrating their birthdays. They have a gallery of family photographs on the straircase hall in the family home and, though they have photos of a young Ross, his mum's beeing saying for a while that it's about time they had a photograph of the two of us. So, we thought we'd get a portrait done and this is the result.

Camelias 17 feb Different colours in the garden - crocuses, hellebores and camelias.


The Snow Maiden 17 feb Opera North at Leeds Grand Rimsky-Korsakov The Snow Maiden Greatly enjoyed the performances and the show. Well worth braving Leeds' one-way system to attend. Colin

The Snow Maiden – Aoife Miskelly Tsar Berendey – Bonaventura Bottone Bermyata – Dean Robinson Spring Beauty – Yvonne Howard Grandfather Frost – James Creswell Boblyl Bakula – Joseph Shovelton Boblyikha – Claire Pascoe Lel – Heather Lowe Kupava – Elin Pritchard Mizgir – Phillip Rhodes Production: Director – John Fulljames Set Designer – Giles Cadle Costume Designer – Christina Cunningham Lighting Designer – Matthew Haskins Video Designer – Will Duke Choreographer – Lucy Hind

The Snow MaidenThe Snow Maiden

18 Feb I'm glad we are calling out fake news. Pity about the Pringles and oral (2008): I wonder if they meant at the same time or just separately.

Daily Mail lies

Unidentified tweet. Time zones are so amazing. It's a different time all around the world. For example, in some parts of the USA, it's still 1950.

Trump wants this photo of his dodgy tan removed from the internet. Please do not share. Tee hee. Someone's not heard about blending. Big shout out to Prime Minister Trudeau. A journalist calls Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's bluff and asks him to explain quantum computing. To everyone's surprise, he does so with ease. There's something very refreshing about a Prime Minister with this amount of knowledge and enthusiasm.


We are also pleased to note breaking news on the Mexican Wall front...


...and to explain the reasoning behind the exclusion ban.


I love predicitive text. Haha.


Manchester Airport 21 feb The view from the Lounge.

Flight I just wamt to make it clear that, while I do enjoy flying, I'm not very happy about taking off and landing. Detestation may be closer to the mark. Landing is, after all, just a controlled plummet. Taking off is worse. I tend to get through the experience by using the simple expedient of summoning up detailed fantasies concerning sexual congress.

Ross 21 feb On the plane. Very lux.


Abu Dhabi Airport 22 feb Brief stopover before flying out over the Indian Ocean. Abu Dhabi Airport, United Arab Emirates Ian: thought it would be Etihad but oooooh 787, wow!

Abu Dhabi Airport

Rain at the airport 22 feb There's a certain amount of hubris in the torrential tropical rainfall in the Seychelles at the moment. Adrian Oh no! I hope the outlook is better? Mags Oh my goodness folks. I am following the weather there. Hope it improves. Hope everything else is ok and you had good flights.

In transitFrom the room


Ross 23 feb Now, this is what we are talking about.

ResortCocktail Hour


St Bernard

23 feb When Ross and I got back from our meal tonight, there was a letter posted under the door of our chalet. It contained a kind invitation for a very special cocktail at the Spa. Nevertheless, I do wish that the good doctor had got his facts straight - or perhaps less so. LOL Mitch Give Mrs Clark (Ross William Clark) a kiss from me. Nigel A very sweet sentiment that seems to have lost something in its delivery!


Challet 24 feb Now, this is what we are talking about.

Mountain 24 feb Now, this is what we are talking about.


Breakfast 25 feb papaya and dragon's fruit

Breakfast 25 feb ross and coffee

Snorkelling gear 25 feb Aliens have landed

fizz 26 feb Sparkling wine at the breakfast table. I don't mind if I do, thank you very much. Haha

Bar 26 feb Fabulous meal followed by a nightcap. Asked for Hendicks. It came with lime and not cucumber. Scandale. Boo. I've a good mind to send it back once I've drunk two thirds to confirm it's a mistake.

Mary18 26 feb Mary's 18th Birthday treat. About to see both parts of the Harry Potter play. Everyone looking forward to it immensely. Dinner in between part one and part two. Tickets booked in October 2015.

Mary18 So Part One is great, now settling down to dinner......BUT There was a big surprise Mary met two of the cast who play Ron and Ginny Weasley. Paul Thornley who plays Ron also gave her a birthday card and a poster signed by the entire cast. One very happy number two daughter.

Cantina Laredo St Martins Lane Mexican restaurant in London


Island school 27 feb Island school

Island school Island school

Island school Island school

Food preparation 27 feb Speciality food

Signing off Speciality food

Bar 27 feb exotic nightlife

Ambience exotic nightlife













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