The Antrobus Arms
19 January

I have visited the Antrobus Arms, a very pleasant and recommended pub on the Cheshire plain, twice in the past week or so.

Antrobus On the first occasion, it was a bitterly cold day and so coming inside from the parking lot wearing layers of clothes to encounter a blisteringly hot pub left me feeling flushed and in need of a drink. So, I had one. Ha.

Surrounded by agricultural land for miles around, this was obviously a pub for locals.

One of the interesting things about having a quiet drink in a pub on your own (if you're nosey like me) is the windows onto strangers' lives gained by flapping your ears.

So far, I've learned about what the over-70s get up to on mid-winter Caribbean breaks (and that was an education) and why you have to let a new build house settle before you put the roof on.

Anyway, you may be wondering why I would choose to drive some forty miles to have a drink on my own in a pub. The answer goes back to meeting up with Kai in Wigan recently. Once of the things we discussed was going to the Northwich sauna together. The last time I went was with Vinny just over a year ago. Kai had been really up for it but, after about half an hour of me sitting there alone, he texted to say that he was having car trouble and couldn't make it. We will have to re-arrange for another day - possibly. So, I had another pint and drove home.

Class I would really like to like the new Dr Who spin-off on BBC1. It has a good-looking, teen friendly cast with a gay theme runing through. But, to be honest, it's a wee bit pants.

Snowdrops It's a fine and a wonderful thing to report that the snowdrops are coming up nicely in the front garden but then so are the crocuses, the daffodils and the hyacinths.

Chris MearsChris Mears Theresa May's Lancaster House speech about Brexit contained the following nugget - "no deal for Britain is better than a bad deal for Britain".

Absolute fucking nonsense. No deal would be catastrophic and what constitutes a bad deal depends on who you ask.

So, it is quite incredible that the powers that be think they can distract me in my wrath by leaking photos of Olympic diver, Chris Mears, naked.

Which Titter feed was that again?

Le coq d'or I went round to Roland's to meet up with Colin so that we could all watch Rimsky-Korsakov's Le coq d'or in a relay from La Monnaie in Brussels.

In no particular order...

Great company, very quaffable wine, fabulous piece of music, many excellent performances, production design too subdued to match the glittering brilliance of the piece, production concept too dreary for this laugh-out-loud satirical work.

The post-apocalyptic shtick is a bit of a recurring theme in theatre at present. These things tend to go in waves. Trends I have known are...

Antrobus Arms Anyhow, a little time passed and there I was again outside the Antrobus Arms on a grey day on the Cheshire plain.

And, yay, this time Kai turned up.

I ferried Kai down to the Northwich sauna in my car and paid us both in.

Kai had not been there before but had, in his time, graced saunas in Manchester and Blackpool. So, he knew the sort of things to expect and what the behavioural protocols would be.

We wandered around for a bit so that he could see where all of the facilities were located.

Then, I took him into one of the private rooms, bent him over the raised fucking area and took my pleasure of him from behind. And that was fun.

KaiKai Feeling quite perky, we wandered round a little more.

Just like Vinny twelve months' ago, Kai was not keen in getting himself into a sling but he did persuade me into one of the cabins with a windowed displayed area like in Amsterdam's red light area.

Kai was very keen to sit on my dick and show his pierced rump to the passers by. I'm not keen on those sorts of public display and could not get it up to satisfy him. So, we gave that up as a lost cause.

Nevertheless, Kai was still very keen on getting himself shagged some more and by a second person as well if that could be managed. So, he used his siren allure techniques and quickly attracted the attention of a guy, early middle age, toned rather than muscled, very hairy chest and legs.

The three of us repaired to the private area and closed the door. Kai hoped up onto the podium and adopted a classic doggy pose. The guy was quick to jump up behind him and I had to be alert and swift to prevent a condomless penetration. He protested half-heartedly but I insisted and then he was away.

I watched for a while and then hopped onto the podium myself at the opposite end from all the pumping. I offered my cock to Kai's mouth and he generously swallowed me down. Between the two of us, we spit-roasted Kai good and proper. The guy came and left in one swift motion leaving the two of us at a bit of a loss.

So, I guided Kai back to our original private room, signalled for us to get onto the podium, rolled him on his back, lifted his legs high and took him swiftly. He looked good in the mirrors so I flipped him over and we finished in doggy with me going fast and furious and him mouth open and sparkly eyed.

Lovely way to spend a winter's afternoon.

Andrew And then, on a dark, wet night, I motored over to Wallasey for a shag and met Andrew for the first time.

Nice lad. Big smile. And a healthy appetitite for cock.

There was one small sticking point - he disliked latex because somehow it rubbed him up the wrong way. He hadn't told me in advance about this and neither did he stock non-latex condoms. He said he'd be happy to fuck without condoms: I said I wasn't. He demurred and said that he could make an exception for me and give it a go with the Durex I had brought with me in my away bag.

Which is what we did. And it was fine though Andrew brought each session to an abrupt end. Finally, I did put my cock in his arse without a condom and fucked him briskly but shallowly. Andrew wanked off on it: I withdrew and frigged myself to come over his back. I'm not sure that I liked it. Uncertain about a second helping.