Fun Times
10 January

One of the things that life has taught me is that, when life is tough, it is a good strategy to up the fun quotient a little bit.

This tee-short caught my eye but bloomin' 'eck! It's far too close to the truth for me to wear in the outside world.

Taurus people have a good heart and a dirty mouth

But this is also very true to type as well.


There was an extraordinary headline on the BBC News website after an FA Cup match

Result: Cardiff 1-2 Fulham
Cottagers come from behind to win

I think that the BBC's gay mole has been writing for the Sports website again.

Meanwhile, Ross and I got into one of those deep conversations recently and I told him how much I fear being in a persistent vegetative state. I explained that, if I ever get to be totally dependent on a machine and taking fluids from a bottle, I want him to sort out someone to pull the plug.

Bastard switched off my laptop and took away my beer.

Keynes And, as this conservative government of ours crashes around making life steadily more uncomfortable for more and more people, it's worth remembering that someone's always said it better before.

NHS beds Which is how NHS underfunding ends up in this state.

Clearly alcohol is not the only answer. But it can be a useful tool in the armour.


Walk-In Providing you don't take things too far - like this well-stocked walk-in drinks cupboard.

Drinking with Kai in Wigan So meeting up with Kai in Wigan for a drink beer at Moon Under The Water was a good thing. It was good to meet up with him again and we chatted on and made some plans for future meetings.

It's sobering to think that when we first met, some six years' ago now, I made the following comment about him.

He and I could never sit down in a pub and have a chat because we are just from two totally different backgrounds. Conversation would not be easy.