Road Testing Viagra
25 February

It's good news that the medication that I am on has reduced the size of my growing prostate.

This means that I am likely to avoid cathetarisation some time in the future.

However, there are some downsides.

Frankly, I have been deceiving myself about the force of my ejaculate over the past few years. A restricted passage must have been contributing to extra squirt factor. Now that my prostate is shrinking, it is squeezing less upon my urethra and so my cum is not flying so far as it was wont to do.

Also, there appears to be far less seminal fluid for the sperms to swim around in. I guess that, if you are taking medication that affects the prostate, then the organ is not going to work as well as it used to.

I've been wondering what to do about this and then I remembered that I had some Viagra.

Viagra This has been hanging around unused for a couple of years now. I got it when Ross and I were discussing changes in our physical relationship and my increasing lack of confidence in that area. Sad to say, we've never made any use of it.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands - so to speak - and, with the prior knowledge of my beloved, contacted a young male escort and invited him to our home.

Kai The lad's name (well his industry name anyway) was Kai. He is 20 years old and comes from St Helens.

When I first contacted him, I told him what I was doing and said that I was simply looking for a good old fashioned shag if that was what he was into. His response was "Too right that's what I'm into".

And he was as good as his word. The Viagra had its expected effect which gave me more confidence to give him a good time. He took it like a champ and came up smiling and asking for more. So he got it.

For the grand finale, I draped him over a pile of pillows and ploughed straight down into him. Came in floods right inside him (condom taken for granted). He loved every minute of it and said he’d never been fucked in that position before.

He and I could never sit down in a pub and have a chat because we are just from two totally different backgrounds. Conversation would not be easy. But for an afternoon shag, we got on like a house on fire.

It's put a smile on my face and I might even see him again some time. *Huzzah!!*