"Chewie, we're home."
16 April


Star Wars

The first proper trailer for The Force Awakens dropped on the day before I travelled to Copenhagen with Roland. As he showed with the reboot of Star Trek (and in the same way that Russell T Davies showed with the reboot of Dr Who), JJ Abrams has a true fan's love and affinity for the history and culture of the Star Wars mythology. I'm hoping for something very special at the end of the year.

Interstellar Christopher Nolan too is a geek (see his steam-punk/gothic version of Batman). As Inception demonstrated, he has a love of mind-bending concepts, operatically flamboyant visual set pieces, tortuous plots and committed acting from an ensemble team of actors.

Thus it was with Interstellar as we went on a journey through time and space involving wormholes and a disturbing bookcase. I'm not going to begin to say that I had a clue as to what was going on but I was held captive and captivated by the whole experience.

Bees, butterflies, birdsong, blossom... So many auguries of spring begin with the letter "B".

Paddington My sister Linda was an enormous Paddington fan when she was a small thing. I was just that bit too old to be caught up in the magic and, to be honest, I think she rather liked having her own thing rather than another hand me down from me.

Having enjoyed the trailer last October, I was hoping for great things and I was not disappointed. Ben Whishaw was a complete star as the voice of our heroic young Peruvian bear but the rest of the cast were part of the standard troupe of British (and Australian) dependables with Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Julie Walters, Jim Broadbent, Peter Capaldi and (as the Antipodean) Nicole Kidman.

I haven't laughed as much in an age and I'm sure that a DVD and more viewings will follow.

As part of my work rehabilitation, I have agreed to attend a series of counselling sessions. The first of these was on 8 April during my Easter holidays and, as far as possible, I'm trying to organise them for outside of work hours so that I can be available to be with my class. I also so not want my colleague next door to be overly aware of what is going on. I simply do not trust her as far as I could throw her. "A nasty piece of work" would be the most charitable phrase I could come up with to describe her.

Hepworth Gallery Wakefield I whizzed Ross over to Barton via a very enjoyable lunch at and look round the Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield.

I can see us visiting this site any number of times in the future.

Then, back home for me to prepare for Copenhagen.

But there was time enough to fit in a quick three-way with Sam and John.

They both took an immediate shine to each other and so I got to shag each of them whilst they were sucking and rimming and kissing each other. They both took a cock well.


Then they both put on a show for me and John fairly fucked Sam's brains out. I had discovered by default back in February that Sam was not averse to taking a good pounding and so I sat back and watched as one taught, lithe, muscular lad slammed his cock remorselessly into another taught, lithe, muscular lad's arse and I listened to the grunts and cries which got me very aroused.


John took a back seat while I fucked Sam until he came with a cry that sounded as though he had been mortally wounded. Then I finished myself off inside John whilst he frigged himself under me. He came a couple of minutes after me but I was pumped enough to keep going for him.

I slept well before my travels began the following day.