Funny Valentine
22 February

The first Saturday of the holiday was Valentine's Day.

Sam I invited Sam round and banged my fury at my current circumstances up his arse.

I wasn't pleased with myself afterwards because I hadn't been fully in control of myself and was, well let's say, less than polite in dealing with his sweet little body. Sam was quick to put me at ease. He said that he'd really enjoyed being pounded like that and would happily go for it again if I wanted.

I thought not.

The rest of the weekend, I simply crashed out. I should have done some planning and marking to get myself up to date and knew that I would regret not doing enough but I just simply did not possess the wherewithal.

Come Tuesday, I was due to drive over to Barton to collect Ross and bring him home the following day. In a flash of sheer badness on the Sunday, I decided that I would attempt a stop-over in Leeds en route and see if I could rustle up an ad hoc shag with someone new - novelty is a real aphrodisiac for me.

Leon I contacted a Sleepyboy lad named Leon (professional name) who had his own terraced house in a village on the outskirts of Leeds and he was more that willing to satisfy my vanilla request for an hour's rumpy pumpy.

I was given the address minus the house number on the Monday, planned my route and drew the requisite moolah from the cash machine. I was primed and ready to go first thing on Tuesday - drive to Leon's, shag and then drive to Barton for late afternoon and in time for the evening meal.

All went fine. I parked up on Leon's road, texted to announce my arrival and waited. And waited. And texted again. And waited. And then my phone rang.

Leon was in the middle of Leeds with two other lads with whom he had been partying since Sunday night. I had two options (well three if you counted scrubbing the whole encounter). I could wait where I was for an hour or so until Leon arrived for our scheduled 1-2-1 or I could come into Leeds and make up a fourth to the party - no extra charge.

It took me all of fifteen seconds to make my mind up.

So, I asked for the Leeds address.

Leon There then followed a somewhat chaotic half hour as I gave myself a crash course in using my phone's vocal sat nav and plunged into the terrifying confusion of Leeds' road system before ending up in a secluded and gentrified Edwardian style city square replete with many barristers' chambers and such like.

I texted my arrival and was bidden to head towards one of said chambers, buzzed in and greeted by Leon wearing white D&G boxer briefs with that sort of squiggly ancient Greek pattern in gold on the waistband. I followed him upstairs to a flat on the top floor which was nice as that ass was full and inviting.

I handed over the agreed fee and took my clothes off as requested. Leon explained that the practice was owned by the uncle of one of the two guys in the bedroom. Currently, all of the staff were away on a briefing/training course. The three had taken advantage of the situation as they had in the past and had been partying for close on forty-eight hours.

Leon also told me that he was the dom in the room and the others were his subs. This was a long-standing party trio.

Nathan Gear Leon explained that one of the lads was Nathan Gear, a porn star who had worked for the likes of Blake Mason and was well known in the trade for his ability to accommodate double penetration. And, not long after, I discovered that the reputation was well deserved.

But first there was a lot of gobbling and slurping and then I fucked Nathan while Leon fucked the other guy. Then we swapped over. Then the other guy fucked Nathan and I fucked him at the same time and then Leon swapped places with me.

Then I was bidden to lie on my back and Nathan rode me. Quick as a flash, the other guy was in position and there you go double penetration achieved with ease. We got a rhythm going and Nathan was in his element. Then Leon tucked in behind the other guy and for a brief time all four of us were joined together.

I mentioned to Leon that, while I was having a good time, I would also like to do what I had originally asked for and that was to fuck him. The other two guys went into the other room, Leon got into a classic doggie pose and, before five minutes had passed, I was spilling my load with vigour.

And that, dear reader, is sometimes how the spirit of serendipity moves throughout the world. Not something I could ever have planned for in a month of Sundays.

I completed my journey to Barton, arriving a little late but in a very convivial mood.

Ross and I returned home to moody cats. Ross told me that he had had an awful time at his parents and that they didn't take him seriously. Knuckling down and pushing through and being told not to be selfish wasn't going to do anything other than make him feel as though the world would be a better place if he wasn't in it.

I nearly didn't go to the Phil concert I had tickets for but Ross promised me that nothing would happen.

Simon Trpceski and Vassily Petrenko In the circumstances, it's surprising that I derived any pleasure out of the concert at all - my mind was constantly flitting from the concert hall and back to a home with a corpse.

I didn't like the rendition of Ravel's Piano Concerto. Simon Trpčeski has many virtues as a pianist but the grace and elegance required for the piece are not in the forefront of his skills. I also thought that Tchaikovsky's Capriccio Italien, possibly from a lack of rehearsal time.

We were on safer ground with Prokofiev's Russian Overture which is just the short of brilliant showpiece that Vassily Petrenko conducts very well. The best, however, came last with a splendid performance of Tchaikovsky's Symphony No2 The Little Russian. Petrenko has been making a very good case for the first three Tchaikovsky symphonies to be heard more often. I would certainly sit through this symphony again whenever the opportunity next arises.

For the final days of the holiday, I worked hard planning and marking.

I also came to one very strong conclusion.

I have to tell my managers that the pressure of being a new teacher, working alongside my colleague and coping with the fall out from Ross's illness have knocked me sideways.